Chapter 1

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Sitting in the crowded airport, I waited for my plane to arrive. I'm still not to happy about having to go to Colorado but Aleks and I plan to meet for lunch after I've settled in. Aleks and I are really close and I can't wait to finally meet him in person. No I don't have feelings for Aleks... I can tell thats what you were thinking. Okay maybe I do, but thats besides the point.

Almost four hours later I was in the Denver airport. Dan stood by the gate with a sign that said Fallyn Gidlow. There was two other guys with him. One tallish, pale and wearing a red hat atop his head. The other was tall, pale and looked just like Aleks.

"Fallyn?" The one that looked like Aleks. I nodded.

"Aleks?" He nodded and I wrapped him in a hug.

"So this is the girl you've been talking to for the last year and a half?" The red hat guy asked.

"Yeah we've become extremely good friends." Aleks said smiling and blushing a bit.

"Well Fallyn, Welcome to Colorado!" Dan said hugging me. "Now lets get your stuff and go to my apartment!"

We dropped my stuff off at Dan's place then I was taking to there office place. It was about a 10 minute drive that was filled with Aleks and I screaming random lyrics that came on the radio and Dan vloging my arrival. Jordan just drove in silence, only talking when the camera was on. I think he was annoyed with Aleks and I.

Once we got to the office we were greeted by two tallish men one was tan the other pale.

"Hi I'm Edwin but you can call me Eddie or Sly!" The tan bubbly one said.

"I'm James and you can call me James or Nova."

"I'm Fallyn, Dan's sister and Aleks's best friend." I said smiling at them.

"Immortal I thought I was your best friend!!" Sly said rather loudly.

"You are, your my guy best friend and she is my girl best friend!" Aleks and Sly bro hugged it out.

"Seamus is in his office, should I yell for him?" Sly asked.

"Go for it." Dan said. James, Aleks, and Sly ran down the hallway yelling Seamus and got to his door and just about broke it open.

"What in the hell could you possibly want?" Seamus said opening his door. He was soon silenced when James accidentally slapped Seamus in the face. And then I just lost it. I started to laugh my ass off and fell to the ground laughing and rolling. I was laughing so hard my tummy started to hurt and I was literally crying. "Okay who the hell is that and why does she look like she is dying? Oh and that fucking hurt asshole!" Seamus slapped James's arm.

Once I composed myself and stood up. "I'm Fallyn, Dan's sister." I extended my hand but he didn't shake it. I awkwardly pulled my hand back and left it to my side.

"Well this is awkward... C'mon Fallyn, lets go to my office." Aleks grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He pulled me towards his office and pulled me inside. It was pitch black at first but was soon lit up by very dim orange lamps. "You wanna record something? I could yell for Sly and see if he wants to record a random Minecraft video. You could use my computer and I'll use Jordan's."

"Sure that sounds like fun! You both could invite a couple people to play too if you want. It'd make it more fun!"

"I'll yell for Sly. EDWIN! GET YOUR ASS TO THE STREAM ROOM!" Aleks yelled out his door.

Eddie came back with "I'M ALREADY THERE ASSHOLE!"

Aleks yelled back an okay and soon we were all sitting in the stream room. Aleks had called this guy named Kevin and Sly had called a guy named Tom. Aleks was getting me all set up and showing me the controls of Minecraft.

"Aleks? Sly?" A deep voice asked.

"Here! And we have a friend!" Sly said.

"Hi I'm Fallyn, Dan's little sister." I said into the microphone.

"Hi I'm Kevin." the deep voice said. Skype started to ring and Eddie answered it and added the person into the call.

"Hey Tom! We have a couple guests with Aleks and I."

"Oh cool who are they?" A kinda deep Brittish accent said.

"Hi I'm Fallyn, Dan's little sister."

"Dan as in Danznewz?"

"Yeah thats the one"

"Oh cool! I'm Tom or Syndicate."

We recorded Minecraft for about and hour and a half then Aleks, Eddie and I walked out to find the office empty. None of the guys were here. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Dan.

Dan Gidlow🎮

-Went to get some food. Should be back soon.

"Dan texted me. They went to get some food." I said looking up at Aleks.

"Well then do you guys wanna get some pizza?" Eddie said, "I'll buy."

"Aleks, I'll race you to the car! Wait, What do you drive Eddie?"

"Its the black Dodge out front." Aleks and I took off with a laughing Eddie trying to keep up. Aleks and I ran into the doors and pushed them open. I guess Aleks's door didn't want to open because Aleks ended up running into the door. I thought Eddie was going to die of laughter.

Until Then (ImmortalHD, Kootra, DanzNewz,TheSyndicateProject)Where stories live. Discover now