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Ships of grey sail across the sky, colouring the it a light charcoal colour. Sitting by the edge of the window, Remus has his elbows propped up against the ledge and is sitting -on his knees- atop of the cushioned, fitted bench perfectly designed for kneeling and watching the skylarks flock through the skies, but that doesn't happen during rainfall.

Entranced by the hypnotic droplets of water cascading down the transparent window, Remus gazes in awe at it, fingers delicately pressed against the cool of the glass as the tears of the sky race down like cracks of lightening, his clear honey eyes reflecting the the scenic view in front of him, swaying trees and all as he does so.

His fingers soon itch to do something. Not clasp around a pencil or a paintbrush, they itch and twitch to instead wrap themselves around a fretboard, strum strings or something of that like. It's been months since he last played his guitar, and now as he's wriggling beneath his bed to pull out the case, it's evident that this is a fact. Dust cakes the top and is so thick that when Remus swipes it away, a hazy cloud of dust blocks Remus' view.

It's insanely soothing when you play an instrument on a rainy day, Remus decides with closed eyes and his head leaning against the cold wall near the window. He had returned to the spot as soon as he had removed his guitar from its case and calmly inspected the light brown speckles on it, following them with an outstretched index.

The room is silent, Sirius and James at football practice and Peter on a date, except from the hum of the strings. Remus' eyes are still closed, soaking up his serene blessing as his fingers fuel a song.
"Taken away to the dark side, I wanna be you're left hand man," sings a familiar voice sent from angels. Remus jumps before relaxing, remembering who the voice belonged.
"Holy shit, don't do that, Sirius. I'm seriously going to wet myself," Remus exhales shakily, having just opened his eyes.
"Shut it," Sirius says as he advances, sitting beside Remus, looking out on to the grounds of Hogwarts.

"I haven't heard you play in ages, y'know," he continues and Remus shrugs.
"I just felt like doing it. I am rusty though, and I can already feel the blisters," Remus says and Sirius tips his head to the side, letting it loll on to Remus' shoulder. They watch, in silent comfort, the rain trickle down the window. It's all so silently still. Remus wishes that this moment could freeze, stay in this paralysis of perfection. Nothing surpasses this moment, the warmth, the calmness.
"There's like, a month and a bit left until Valentines Day, y'know," Remus says, his sight still overlooking the Black Lake.
"I know. And I can't wait until the day after. All the chocolate finally goes on sale. It's the best day of the year, I say," Remus claims proudly, tightening his grip around Sirius' waist as they chuckle.
"I'll get you chocolate. Honeydukes finest or whatever," Sirius promises.
"And we'll eat a dinner consisting of Pepper Imps and other delicacies by the warmth of a candle light." Remus puts his guitar down gently on the floor beneath him, adjusting his body slightly to fit nicely in to Sirius'.

"You fucking need a girlfriend or someone to treat like a princess because damn, your sweeter than my ass."
"Is that really saying anything?" Remus asks, biting his lip.
"Don't even, Lupin. You've seen the tastiness of my ass. For once though, my ass isn't the topic of discussion. You are. I'm gay so I know what type of guys are boyfriend material-"
"Aren't straight girls also aware of what boyfriend material? And straight boys, so they can be boyfriend material? And the people who want boyfriends?"
"Oh, well done, Moons. I was gonna say something sooo cute and you had to ruin it," Sirius sighs, rolling his eyes.
"Don't be so dramatic. Just say it."
"And Remus," Sirius carries on and plucks the knit of Remus' jumper, "this is the perfect blend of wool and boyfriend material."
There's a silence.
"That was smooth."
"Ayyyyy, I know! But siriusly, don't doubt yourself. I know we're mates and all, but if you said, I would let you fuck me. Not- not in the creepy way or anything, 'cause you, well- well you're straight, but like if you weren't and we weren't just friends and everything, I would- y'know what, I should probably just shut up."
Remus feels his cheeks turn pink and watches the ever so famous Sirius Black's do the very same.
"I'm honoured then. You're the lad that all the boys flock for. I mean that in- in a nice context. Well, in like the same context you were, you feel me? I wish I had at least some sort of ability to thread my words together like an average person."
"Ha!" Sirius laughs, "You being average? None of us are average! That is hardly possible. One, we're kind of big freaks. Two, we're creative souls with the ability to make nine year olds giggle with our inappropriate remarks. You see though, we aren't meant to be normal," explains Sirius, exaggerating his hand movements and talking very quickly, cheeks still pink. Remus, after being a friend of his for years and years, knows this as a sign of nervousness, and he feels it too. The bubbling emotions that seem to lift his spirits whenever Sirius smiles at him, but at the same time they make him want to vomit out his intestines.

The remainder of the day continues in subtle remarks between Remus and Sirius so suspicious that even James (the most oblivious asshole when he wants to be) starts to notice.

"Fuck off, Prongs, you're just jealous that Sirius prefers me over you," Remus says after James sticks his nose up and refuses to speak to Sirius because how dare he say that Remus is better looking than he is!
"Yeah, but how can I not? He's six of you. Looks, too."
"I- that is so rude!" James cries.

Remus' heart flutters at Sirius' comment as a thought flickers in his mind. A small flicker, but a flicker nonetheless.

Are 'just friends' meant to have their hearts burst in to flames like that?

'sup, ma doodes. this chapter is incredibly late and i honestly do not know why because i stopped revising a couple of days ago. i also had this idea in my head for ages so i sorta suspected that i'd be able to write it in a decent amount of time, but clearly not. let's hope for the best for the next chapter lol.
oh btw, has anyone watched shane's new video?!?!? he is literally the only person that can make me sit on my ass for over an hour watching a single yt video. i think it's stupid that youtube switched itself up and has stopped conspiracies theories making their way on to trending or people's recommendations. meh, idec too much bc shane's still gonna get that recognition,
b i t c h.
see you next millennium

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