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"Everyone's already planning out their prom outfits and I'm very confused. At least finish A-levels," Lily says, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the Marauders' dorm as she converses with Remus.
"By everyone I assume you mean Marlene and Dorcas: they're the only ones extravagant enough to do that."
"Okay, fine, but what I said after still stands. In fact, I bet you other people are doing it too, but neither of us are social enough to know," Lily says, raising her sharp red eyebrows matter-of-factly. Remus laughs.
"It's quite funny, isn't it? How you're this super famous, relatable, easy-going internet sensation, but in real life, you're a very antisocial turtle. My lord, what would Rita Skeeter say?" Lily tuts while she gestates to make her question high in absurdity.
"And isn't it funny that even with your first impression being a kind, loving, innocent girl, you're a straight up bitch?"
"Oh, be quiet! Tell me about Wolfstar. How's it going? Have you read any of the kinky smut online?" Lily questions, idly studying her nails as if she had just discussed the weather.
"What?" Remus splutters. He knows that there are fan fictions out there that may or may not have suggested things slightly indecent, but kinky?
"Yeah! You're not- you know, don't you?" Lily's lips morph in to a frown as she surveys the look of incredulity on Remus' face, just seconds before they both start laughing.
"I'm always the last one to know about things. How the fuck is that even fair? Actually, how do you know?"
"Marlene, Dorcas, Alice and I stayed up late last night and things got a little crazy. And a little stupid. And we ended up going on Wattpad and searching up random shit until it fell upon us that we should try and look for some Wolfstar smut. Marlene was the one to find the kinky stuff, obviously." Lily says, shrugging her shoulders as Remus is turning the same shade as Lily's hair as he chuckles.

"Did they make Sirius top?" Remus asks suddenly, carefully ripping away the golden foil of a chocolate bar as he looks up expectantly.
"I think we can all agree that little Sirius doesn't radiate dominant energy. No. They made you tie him up with leather cords and stick a vibrator-"

Throwing his wrapper at her, Remus shudders in embarrassment.
"What scares me most is that it's probably a person early in their teens who wrote that BDSM shit."

"Sorry, can you replay that bit?" Lily asks, stopping Remus as he edits the video he and the boys had filmed straight after classes.
Remus is quick to defend.

"It's not what you think it is. I'm just new to the guitar."
The moment that Lily wishes to see again is a very Wolfstar moment that Remus is sure would shock fans.

Sirius was singing, beautifully of course, about the expanse of garden and its never ending surprises and stream a part of the Potters' residence. Remus and Sirius had teamed up to work on the lyrics and in ten minutes, they had a complete and very poetic song. Wonderful. Remus was strumming cords, trying to keep his concentration on the guitar and only the guitar as James was making a beat on the desk that had in their dorm while Peter made some top-notch ASMR with his nails on one of pillars of a four-poster. They were scattered around the room and really, not much of Peter or James could be seen as the camera was set up in front of Remus and Sirius.
"Remus, that's the wrong cord," Sirius said, not taking his eyes off the sheet of paper with the lyrics scrawled on. Remus, his throat dry, quickly looked back down, very pink in the face. Not because he was staring at Sirius, because that is not a very big deal at all, but because of the stupid smirk on Sirius' face and the little actions Peter and James were doing out of the camera's view.
"I wasn't even- alright, sorry."

And Remus doesn't know if he's mentally prepared to get sent hundreds of videos just because of a small moment.
"I'll get another fucking call from my mum talking about Wolfstar!"
"And that's great," Lily reasons, returning her head back to Remus shoulder as she reopens her book, knowing that she's slain the game.
"You're so lucky James is on call with his parents, and Peter is making food with Professor Sprout, and Sirius is busy talking shit with Frank, because they'd be laughing their arses off."
"But they'd also be agreeing with me," Lily says and Remus looks down at her, furious that she's... goddamn it, she is correct. Lily smiles and shrugs her shoulders in a manner that translates to her basically saying that there's nothing she can do about it.

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