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Eighteen year old, YouTube sensation Sirius Black, blood of the infamous Blacks flowing through his veins, has been confirmed as gay!

This evening, I, Rita Skeeter, uncovered something truly horrifying. For years now, YouTube sensation Sirius Black has been canoodling with many, many boys at his boarding school located in Scotland and has yet to open up about his experiences.

After being sent an email by someone who wishes to remain anonymous suggesting that I look in to the mysteries of Sirius Black, I grew intrigued and began to do as much research as possible. Being an alumni of the very same school, I have and always will be welcomed back on to grounds and this enabled me to to chat with the classmates of Black in hope of unveiling secrets that he has been so bitterly concealing.

Clearly prejudiced due to the inflictions of his uptight family, it is obvious that Sirius only believes himself to be of the highest rank, refusing to mix with people of colour, different racial or ethnic background or those who are not affluent. Horrible indeed!
"Oh, yeah, Black's a right bigot." A member of Ravenclaw house told me, revealing the purpling bruise on their left fire arm. Yes, the once beloved Internet star has been proved physically abusive! What a shame!
Many classmates have confirmed this statement.

It only took a few simple talks with students of sixth and seventh year to uncover the fact that Sirius has been sleeping with multiple males and later discarding them. Sadly, it's clear that he has no care for the emotions of others, and it pains me to write such a sentence. Throughout the years, being gay has been a topic that is increasingly being brought to light, and the Marauders have always been supportive of the LGBT community, yet if this was factual, why would Sirius feel the need to suppress such homosexual desires? This must mean that, though a member is gay, the Marauders harassed Sirius in to the impression of being ashamed of his sexual orientation for they are homophobic. Sirius is clearly an easily influenced teenager with no sense of independence, therefore he must've obeyed every rule the Marauders had forced him in to. Incorrect decisions were made on both parties and I certainly do not support such behaviour. Regarding the rumours of me being homophobic because of the work I submit and so truly care about, I certainly am not, but the Marauders very well could be. So please, kindly deflect your accusations on to the correct people.

Following the revealing of Sirius' sexuality, I hope he comes clean of the unforgivable actions he has committed and begins to be more honest with the media because it is sure that now all know of the secrets he's so desperately been trying to hide, many will have left the Marauder fandom.
Sirius Black, I implore that you provide us with the information we correctly deserve.

A further recount of the obstacles I have faced during this research will be posted next week in a more full article explaining more about the love life of Sirius and what his family will think! Until then, I hope your mind is set on your opinion. I trust you to be correct.

Until next time!

Rita Skeeter

"She's a dead woman," Remus hisses as Sirius finishes reading out the scarce article, voice wavering with fury.
"Okay, first of all, I'm half black and Peter's like a bubbling pot of-"
"Asian-ness," Peter completes for James.
"I was gonna say everything, but y'know, you do you."
"Ugh, that's gay, James, letting people be themselves," Sirius moans, pretending to side with Rita, while Remus nods in agreement.
"No, no, no," James sings, waggling a finger, "I'm homophobic, remember?" He jabs a finger pointedly at Sirius' phone.
"Ahhh, yes, how could I forget?" Sirius rolls his eyes at Rita's stupidity.
"Have you checked Twitter?" Remus asks and Sirius exhales, doing his password and clicking on Twitter.

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