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I walked out of my last class towards the enterance of the school. I passed by a group of guys who whistled at me. I rolled my eyes and ignored their comments. I actually have been getting a lot of those throughout the whole day. It's really a bothersome and annoying. Some even flirted with me too. Anyways, the school day is finally over. It wasn't all that bad, just got bored last period because I didn't have anyone to talk to, and I only had Peter for a couple of classes. Speaking of him, I saw he was leaning his back against the wall at the side. He must have been waiting for me. I saw he wore a warm smile on his face as I walked up to him. I smiled back and greeted him, "Hey Pete,"

"Sup," He said back.

"So you wanted to get slurpees right?"

"Yep! Well if that's okay with you? We can go somewhere else if you wanna you know?"

I shook my head, "Slurpees are fine. Do you recommend a place we can go to?"

He nodded and came up to me, he stood like a 6 inches taller than me. If you were wondering how tall I am, I'm 5 foot 7 and 1/2. He's probably 6 foot 2 or 3. "I do have a place in mind. How about we walk there?"

I shook my head, "That's not necessary because I have my own set of wheels,"

"Really? That's not a surprise since your all wealthy and stuff," He said with a grin, and did a British accent. Oh my god that sounded really good like he talks like that. How the heck did he learn that? He needs to teach me.

I laughed, "That's true, anyways how about we get going then?"

"Sounds good to me, lead the way my good lady,"

I laughed again as he did a gesture with his hands and I lead the way towards my car in the parking lot. He whistled at it once he took sight of it. He walked up to it and placed a hand on the hood."Nice car, it looks like one those 'Pierce mobile cars' people been talking about..." He trailed off, realizing what he said and face palmed himself. "Your dad made these cars didn't he?"

I nodded with a smile, "Yep, it's one of his best model's too." If you must know, the color of the car is black with the company logo located at the back of the vehicle. "Makes sense, why didn't I notice that when they came out?" He mumbled to himself.

"It doesn't matter, anyways, let's grab us some slurpees!"

With that, I unlock the vehicle and we head in there at the same time. I put the keys in the ignition and turned the car on, which roared the car to life. I pushed on the gas petal which gave it gas and made a loud 'voom' noise. I gave Peter a smirk as he just grinned. I changed the gears and drove out of there. I glanced over at Peter then back on the road. "So where is the place at?" I asked him, stopping at a red light.

"Just around the corner, just go all the way straight and make a right at a near by gas station and you'll see a 7/11." He explained.

I nodded, following his directions but rose an eyebrow, "7/11 really?"

"Yes really, they have good slurpees over there," He replied, hearing a smile in his voice.

I sighed with a smile and kept driving forward. We made it to the 7/11 convenience store minutes later. We both got out of the car and headed inside. It was much cooler than outside, it must be like 80 degrees. I walked over to the slurpee machine and reached for a plastic cup's but touched some one's hand.

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