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I arrived at my mansion almost an hour later because the traffic was horrible. Whatever happened in the city, the police didn't let anyone go by. So I just sat there, still drinking my slurpee and listened to music on the radio, I had nothing else to do so I did that. Hopefully my dad wasn't home or else he'll ask me why I was late, he's most likely at work so he won't know. Even though its 6 o'clock, I was supposed to be back once school ended. My dad will probably understand so I don't think I'll get in trouble. I walked inside of the very large estate and closed the door behind me. I yawned and headed up the spiraling stairs towards my room.

"Welcome back Lady Ximena, how was your first day?" the family butler, Benjamin, asked as I was about to head into my room.

"Pretty good actually, thank you for asking," I replied with a smile.

"That's good to hear, oh and miss?"


"Your father wants to see you,"

He's home? I wonder why so early? And what does he want? Is it about me coming home late? I nodded, "Okay, I will be there right now,"

"Alright, he will be in his office waiting for you." With that, Benjamin left in the direction I came from. I opened my room door and closed it behind me. http://www.comfortablehomedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/classic-glam-victorian-bedroom.jpg (how her room looks) I walked over to my desk and sat my messager bag down on the chair. I looked around my large room and noticed the cleaning maids came in here eariler because the curtains looked spotless and was left wide open. I walked over to the window and moved the curtains so only a little bit of sun light came into the room. Much better, I don't like it when a lot of sun light comes in here. Especially when Benjamin wakes me up every morning like that. It's like he wants to torture me with that. It does wake me up though.

I decided to go up to the mirror to see my reflection. I gazed at my light emerald eyes and looked at myself in whole. My long black straight hair goes up to my waist. My bangs went to the right side of my face. I wore make-up which consisted of mascara, eyeliner, and red lipstick. My outfit was a black jean jacket, a red laced spaghetti strapped shirt underneath, a black mini skirt with stockings underneath and knee high black boots. My nails were painted purple. I guess you can say I looked like a rich girl but I don't act like one. Just remembering I had to see my dad, I exited out of my room towards his office that was just around the corner.

I knocked on the door a few times till I heard his voice. I slowly opened the door and walked in. He smiled once he saw me. "Ah, if it isn't my beautiful daughter," He stated. I noticed their was two suited young men infront of his desk.

"Hi dad, am I interupting?" I asked, unsure if I should leave.

"Not at all. Ximena, these two are from the board of Oscorp, Bill Howards and Jack Clifferson,"

"It's nice to meet you," I told them as I shook both of their hands. They gave me a smile and looked at my dad, "We will continue this conversation another time," Bill spoke out. Those two then walked out of my dad's office. I wonder what that was about? "Having business meetings at home?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Something like that, they are deciding to make me the head of Oscorp, since Norman Osborn is gone and his son, Harry Osborn, is in prison,"

I've heard about them and I was surprised at their decision. "What? They are?"

"Yes, they will inform me tomorrow at the business meeting,"

"That's great dad, I hope they do," I went up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back and pulled away a second later kissing the top of my head, "I hope so to,"

"Now let me hear about you, how was your day? And what took you so long to get here?" He added.

I had a feeling he was going to ask that. "Well my day went pretty good, I saw Peter again, and the traffic was taking forever because something happened in the city," I explained.

"Wait, Peter? You mean Peter Parker? Richard's son?" He asked, surprised. If I remember correctly, my dad didn't really like Peter because I would only hang out with him all the time, no one else. And I guess you can say I had a small crush on Peter. My dad found out and didn't like it one bit. I got over it after I moved so now I like him just as a friend.

I nodded, "Yes him, and don't tell me you still don't like him?"

"Well of course I like him! It's just i didn't want him looking at you with his googly eyes of his,"

I laughed at his comment, "He does not look at me like that,"

"He does too, maybe I should've transfered you after all to that private school," He mumbled the last part but I heard him still.

"Dad!" I lightly smacked his arm. "Just for that I'm gonna ask him if he would like to eat dinner with us tomorrow!" I then started to walk away towards the door.

"What?! Ximena you can't..."He trailed off.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to him, "Why can't I?"

"Well because..."


"We might be celebrating tomorrow and I want it to be just family time,"

I crossed my arms and sighed, "'Might' dad. We won't know tilll tomorrow. Besides, Peter is family, can't he just come over? I'm not asking much. Please dad?" I was now giving him puppy dog eyes.

He stared at me for a long minute, he gave up seconds later, "Oh all right! He can come over,"

"Yes, thank you!" I cheered and left out of there back to my room. All I need to do is ask Peter now. I hope he's available and can come over. I decided to start on my homework since I had nothing else to do. Can't wait for tomorrow~

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