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we were smoking funny things making love out by the lake to our favorite song -kid rock all summer long-

inspired by dis song(btw ik you dont care but i can still remember the first time i heard this song in the car with muh dad soooo nostalgia)

Summer of 2009

Jae's POV

it was the first summer that i had my drivers license so i made plans to go camping with my best friend y/n. our families had known each other since our mom's were in high school so the fact we were best friends wasn't that surprising. though her father was never too happy that i was closer to her than her friends that were girls. her mom always said something about taking his "little girl" or something but in my opinion she's grown so much from before and can take care of herself. sure she's still his tomboy daughter that will get down and dirty in games whenever she needs to, but i've also seen a side he hasn't. the side that she shows no one, the side that she deems as weak.

anyways back to the summer:

i was packing the last of my things when my mom came into my room. she sat down on my bed talking to me. "you know i'm glad that i can trust you to be alone with a 16 year old girl even though you're 17. but it's fine right? i mean it's only my best friends daughter and your best friend. omgyou'regonnatryand..."

once she started to ramble i cut her off, "mom, i'm not going to try anything. like you said she's my best friend." though it hurt to say that's all she really was to anybody that wasn't me. to me she was the person i could go to for anything, the person i would take a bullet for, and the person that i loved.

"awww my little boy is in love!" she yelled dragging me from my thoughts. she got up and pulled my face towards hers while she started kissing me.

"mom!" i tried to push her off me but she had an iron grip. i sat there for a bit waiting for her to stop. once she did she wouldn't stop smiling. "stop being weird."

"it's not weird if i'm just proud of my son. so how does she make you feel?" i really didn't want to have this conversation with my mom so i just brushed her off.

"hey you know where dad is?" i asked.

"he's in the backyard, why?"

"just wanted to say bye before i go."

"ok well i can see you don't want to talk to your mom about the love of your life so have fun i love you and stay out of trouble. she's a good one so keep her." with that she left me alone to my thoughts. i started to think if i was actually good enough for her, but then i got a text from y/n.

hey i don't want to waste perfectly good time waiting on you. hurry up dude my brother is getting annoying.

realizing that i was done packing i put everything in the car and went to pick her up.

one car drive later

i pulled up to her house seeing her playing football with her older and younger brothers. i hopped out of the car and walked up to her mom.

(y/m/n=your mom's name)

"hey ms.(y/m/n). how are you?" i asked hugging her.

"good. how are you and your parents?" she asked while y/n came up to us in her jean shorts and nirvana tshirt.(sorry i love nirvana)

"she's good." her brothers came up to me as well. her younger ones came up first.

"jae!" they screamed jumping on me.

"you guys have fun i guess. not too much though." her older brother said walking into their house.

"oh my god he's an idiot." y/n said with a sigh.

"be nice he just loves you." her mom rebuttled. her father came up to the porch.

"have fun sweetie. i love you and be sure to show jae that you're a better camper than him." he said with a smile patting me on the back after hugging y/n.

"sure thing dad. bye i love you too. bye mom love you." y/n said putting her things in my car after taking my keys.

"bye sweetheart." her mom said back.

"hey jae, if you love her then i approve. but, if you hurt her i have a shotgun with your name on it." i lit up inside.

"i would never think of it sir." i reassured him. i ran to the car taking my keys from y/n and getting in.

"why are you smiling like that?" she asked confused.

"no reason." i said starting the car taking off.

three days into camping

your POV

jae and i were fishing on the dock and throughout last year in school i realized i was in love with this amazing boy. he just treated me better than anyone else and i knew he was always there for me. i decided that since tomorrow was our last day, i would tell him at our last campfire. after being lost in thought for so long a fish pulled at my hook so i reeled it in. i look over at jae and he's smiling so i smile back. life is good for once.

last campfire
jae's POV

"smore m'lady?" i asked the adorable person next to me.
"of course my good man." she giggled barely getting through the sentence with a straight face.

man i never will forget, the way the moonlight shined upon her hair

"hey jae?"
"i love you."
"good, because i love you too."
i remember thinking to myself that this was indeed the best summer.

"and that kids is how me and your mother started being much more involved with each other than ever before." i said to the boy and girl before me.
"dad you could've just said that's when you started dating." my daughter laughed at me.
"will i find someone like mommy?" my son asked.
"yes. yes you will."

the end. wow i think this is the longest one i've written. i'm so lazy tho

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