Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

You were spending time in your room. At least, that's all you could call what you were doing. You were just sitting on your bed, looking to your ceiling. You felt...weird. Everything has been weird lately, and you didn't know what you were supposed to do. You found yourself longing for someone to guide you, someone you could confide in.

You didn't really dislike anyone in the house. Ryo was a pain, but you couldn't deny enjoying some of his bantering. Suki was sweet, Dianna was interesting, Don was chill, Jenna was smart, and Jason... well, he was your friend, too. You can't ask a friend for advice on how to deal with something if they're the situation you're trying to deal with, though. In your mind, you already knew who you wanted to talk to. You wanted to talk to Quince. He had offered, right? He said if you ever needed anything he would be there—and he has stayed true to his word thus far. You had no reason to doubt that he would give you a suggestion if you asked.

You were going to talk to him, but later maybe. Right now, you were very busy looking at nothing. Your mind was so full it felt empty, so overwhelmed you couldn't think. A small voice in your head was saying "it's not THAT big of a deal," but you still felt stuck. Just as you were going to zone out completely and become separated from reality for short time, you heard two sharp knocks on your door. Your eyes snapped back to reality immediately, but the rest of your body took a minute to wake up. The person knocked again, harder this time. You stood.

"Hello?" you opened the door. You were at eye level with collar bones, and before you even looked up you recognized the intruder, "Ryo, what's—" He cut you off by opening the door wider and walking into your room uninvited. "Hey! What are you doing?" you glared.

He was silent. He walked towards your bed and turned around to face you, making direct eye contact before flopping down onto your mattress. At this point, your eyebrows were almost furrowed enough to touch, but you figured that he would explain himself when he wanted to, not when you asked. Dirtbag. You walked closer, peering curiously over to see his expression. 

You wanted to try talking again, foolish as it was, "Why are you—" he cut you off again, this time by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you down with him. It was done so quickly that you didn't even know what had happened until you processed your face pressed into his chest. He was holding you as if he was a snake and you were an unlucky mouse—which is consequently exactly what you felt like. Your complaints were muffled in his shirt, and as much as you pushed at the surface beneath you, he was just stronger. You gave up. You took a deep breath and accepted your fate. At least it was comfortable... you couldn't deny that it felt nice to be held sometimes.

Ryo was satisfied with your defeat and allowed you some space to move, and you took advantage of this. You leaned up on elbows and looked at his face, but he wasn't expressing anything. Nothing you could decipher, anyway. His arms still held to your back, and you suddenly realized how intimate this was. It wasn't like him to act like this. "What are you doing?" you finally got to ask.

Ryo closed his eyes and paused, "Shut up." He pulled you back down, but you weren't going down without a fight! Your hands pushed against his chest and your glare returned.

"You can't just come in here and—and hold me hostage!" you frowned. You didn't voice the fact that you didn't mind cuddles as long as they were explained.

"Can't a guy just use the best available blanket? You're warm," he grumbled.

"Oh, is that all I am?" you smiled playfully. It seemed like you were getting somewhere.

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