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a week had gone by since the twins showed up and riley had gotten to know ethan a bit better. she thought he was a sweetheart and she grew to like him. grayson on the other hand was an asshole. he would hardly ever to speak to her. he never smiled, only smirked. he would flirt with girls here and there and lead them on but it was none of her damn business so she didn't say anything.

riley stood against her locker as she waited for jacky to show up. she looked around and saw her brother walking down the hallway along with his friends and maggie, his girlfriend. the girl riley hated more than anyone.

maggie was a lying, manipulative, self centered bitch. her brother deserved so much better but he was helplessly in love with maggie.

riley saw maggie giggle into her brothers ear and then turn around. she furrowed her eyebrows until she saw maggie wink at grayson. riley looked towards grayson to see him just standing there.

she marched on over there and grabbed graysons' arm, "hey what a—"

"stay away from my brothers girlfriend." she snapped which caused grayson to be taken back.

"woah. wait, i'm not into your brothers girlfriend riley." he insisted but riley rolled her eyes.

"i can already tell the kind of guy you are! a rude, cocky, egotistical jackass!" grayson felt hurt. how could she possibly think that of him if she hasn't even spoken to him, only ethan?

"you don't know me so don't act like you do. i don't want your brothers girlfriend. before you judge someone riley, make sure you have your facts straight." he pushed past her and made his way back to his friends.

riley watched him walk away and she felt bad. she knew she shouldn't of said that but when it came to her brother she gets a bit overprotective. she felt like a bitch for assuming the worst of someone she hardly even knew.

she couldn't help but think damn he looks hot even from behind.

"woah. what was that?" she turned to see jacky watching grayson walk away.

"i'm an asshole, that's what happened." riley groaned.

"what? nevermind. am i still picking you up tonight for emmas' party?" jacky asked as they walked towards class.

"yeah, eight o' clock. my dad goes to work at seven-thirty and won't be back home 'till morning so i won't get caught." she grinned at her bestfriend. tonight would be epic.


"i'm heading off to work, be good please." her dad kissed her forehead before walking out of her room. she ran towards her window and saw her dad pull out of the driveway.

she quickly turned around and walked towards her closet. there was so much to wear.

she pulled out a black dress, not too short and not too long. it wasn't exposing yet not too fancy. it was absolutely perfect. she was going to leave her hair the way it was since it was naturally straight. she began to put on mascara.

"is jacky picking you up?" she looked up from the mirror to see alex.

"yeah, who ya going with?" she asked as she applied chapstick.

"ethan and grayson, they moved two houses down from us so they said they could give me ride." her heart stopped.

ethan would be there? now she had to make sure she looked good.

"oh. what time you coming home?" he scoffed.

"i'm not coming home. i'm not grounded so dad knows that i am going to the party and staying at maggies' house." she rolled her eyes as she inspected herself in her mirror.

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