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the drive home was silent but it wasn't awkward. riley and ethan were simply lost in their thoughts of each other. neither of then realizing that the other felt the same way, it stung.

ethan wondered what it would be like to be with riley. their laughs, talks, hugs, sex. it just seemed so damn perfect in his mind, she just seemed so damn perfect. sure she had her flaws but there was just something about her that drove ethan crazy from the moment he met her in the cafeteria.

the way her eyes lit up when she laughed with jacky or the way her voice would soften when she would talk to ethan.

all ethan wanted was riley.

his mind had wondered to one simple question.

how did he end up here?

falling for a girl who his brother had also fallen for.

sure they were twins but they didn't like the same things so he knew he and grayson liked riley for different reasons. neither of them had openly admitted to having feelings for her but they knew.

he knew he should back off and let grayson be happy but he couldn't step away from riley.

if riley had chosen grayson then ethan would be completely fine but if there was even a small chance for ethan, he was not going anywhere anytime soon.

"this is my stop." she snapped him out of his thoughts. he looked over at her and saw her eyes were still puffy and red, damn you grayson, he thought. she looked at her house and ethan found himself staring at her once again.

"i'll walk you to the door." he stepped out of his car to meet riley on the other side. the both of them walked up towards her front door.

"you okay now?" he asked as they stopped. he couldn't help but stare at her, her beautiful brown eyes. he never knew how much he could learn to love brown eyes.

"yeah. i'll apologize to him tomorrow." she smiled at him and he smiled back.

"hey, let's sit together at lunch tomorrow. i kind of don't feel like being surrounded by my teammates twenty-four/seven." he said shyly.

"of course. can i bring jacky?" she questioned while biting her lip which drove ethan absolutely crazy.

"definitely." he smiled once again.

"okay. well, i better get inside, my dad's probably waiting for me." he nodded and watched her step into her house.

"bye ethan." she closed the door.

he sighed to himself and then turned around. he got into his car and drove down a couple houses before arriving to his own.

he walked in to be greeted with the stench of cigarettes and alcohol.

grayson was home.

ethan was pissed. he opened up a window and made his way down the hall and towards his brothers room. he opened the door to see grayson on his computer chair, chugging a bottle of malibu.

"gray, you serious? put it down." ethan exclaimed as he saw his brother was completely drunk.

"why do you care?" grayson hiccuped.

"you're my brother gray, i've always cared." ethan spoke softly. growing up, grayson was a sweet and honorable person. he loved sports.

ever since their parents separated after their sisters death, grayson had fallen apart. he loved his sister more than anything.

"why don't you and riley just go fuck each other, be happy and leave me the hell alone." he snapped and ethan was taken back.

he grabbed the bottle from graysons' hands and set it on his dresser.

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