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I woke up at 8:22 in the morning. Since this is Boston though, the weather is freezing. As I got out of bed, I saw my wife, Isabelle, opening the front door. "Your finally awake" she said to me. I shrugged and got dressed. I chose a t shirt that Isabelle liked to see my wear because she said it brought out the colour of my blue eyes. I liked to wear it because it was comfortable. It was small for me though. I was about 6 foot tall.

It was Saturday, my one day when I could sleep in as long as I wanted. My wife had already cooked breakfast for me and had gone to work by the time I went into the dining room. She had made me pancakes again. I hated pancakes, but they were the quickest thing she could think of making for me. My wife worked at a hospital, and usually left early in the morning.

That is one of the reasons I love Saturdays. Usually, I woke up early in the morning, got dressed, had cereal and left for my job, which was as a scientist. But Saturday was my day off, so I could do whatever I want. I decided to watch a bunch of movies that I had been saving for a spare day. It was the entire season 1, 2 and 3 of Game of Thrones. I loved Game of Thrones. It had a very interesting Storyline and well built characters. I had already read the books like SEVEN times, but I hadn't seen the T.V shows yet. So, as I inserted the disk into the drive, I noticed a T.V news bulletin. It was talking about a new vaccine for cancer. I thought to myself, "whoever invented that is going to be one very rich man". So, in order to stop feeling jealousy, I turned on Game of Thrones Series 1 Episode 1.

I kept watching Game of Thrones until it was about 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. That was when my wife got home. The first thing I new about her getting home was her saying "Caleb, why are you watching that horrible show?". She hates Game of Thrones with a passion that will never be rivalled. So, I can hypothesise that my DVDs will be gone within the week. Shame too. They were really good series.

As I cooked dinner (Lamb Casserole) I asked her why she hated the show. She answered "It has so much needless violence and killing. I am a doctor, and my job is to help people. I don't like to think of what people do to each other, and how it can be much worse then what one does to oneself." She then got up, and went to bed. I thought about what she said for a long time before I too went to bed. I was still trying to understand what she said when I fell asleep.

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