Why I hate Sundays

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That night, I had a terrible dream. I saw my house burning. I ran inside, and the door collapsed behind me. I ran through the house, almost as if I was pulled on a string, until I reached the kitchen. What I saw there, made my blood freeze. I couldn't move. I could only stare at my wife's body, lying on the ground, burning. I screamed, as the house collapsed around me.

I woke screaming. My wife instantly woke up, and grabbed my hand. That shut me up pretty well. As I looked at her face, I said "It looked so real." She told me "I know. But it was just a dream." I checked the time on the clock beside me. "Oh shit, its nearly 7.00! I'm late!" I rushed out of bed, quickly put my shirt and pants on, grabbed my wallet, my keys and my tie and ran out the door, just stopping quickly enough to give her a kiss and ran out the door.

As I just got on the freeway (it was an hour long drive to work) I realised I had missed out on something really important. Something so important, it would affect me for hours to come. I had forgotten... Breakfast!

When I got to work at 8.00 in the morning, I said a rushed excuse t my boss about why I was late (my car popped a tire) and went to my station with my co worker, Phil. Phil was a pathologist, like me. We talked a bit about the new cure for cancer. He was always talking about the next big thing in science, maths - anything there was to gossip about. He was hated by a lot of the employees at the laboratory we worked at because of this. I didn't mind it because of the fact that I live with my wife, who although I love her very much, is a very big gossiper.

Anyway, we were just talking about how the vaccine would out a few people out of jobs because there would be less need for pathologists anymore when our boss told us that the creator of the vaccine had agreed to demonstrate his vaccine to us first hand. He began by telling us his name. He called himself Frank Fontaine. At first I believed that his vaccine was genius. That is, until he told us how it worked.

Apparently, the vaccine mutated the cancer cells into something that was easily removed. After hearing this, I pointed out a major flaw in this design. I said to him "but what your mutating the cancer into is something that can easily mutate again." So he said on of the dumbest things I had ever heard anyone say to me. He said "who cares, as long as it's not cancer?"

When the demonstration ended, the boss told us we could all have the rest of the day off to "celebrate this momentous occasion." AKA so he can kiss Frank's but. But anyway, I arrived home at 4.00, watched as many episodes of Game of Thrones as I could and I waited for my wife to get home. And I waited. And waited. And waited. And called her. And waited. Until I realised she wasn't coming home. And I did what any normal, logical person would do at a time like that. I panicked.


Hello Everyone!

I am FireHawx! I am the most insane person on Earth!!! (or not).My name is ________, and I am a writer on Wattpad!! (if you didn't know this by now, you need to have someone check your skull, cause you clearly don't have a brain) anyway, sorry for not updating this story quicker. And before I go, One easily answered question: Can anything be true?

ANyway, peace out and stuff!

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