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All Clothes spread on bed..

Pragya with bit irritates tone- bunnies it's over, I'm gonna wear jeans..

Kiara cut her mid- who wear jeans on a date..

Pragya look to Kiara & ask- who told you, that I'm going for a date..

Sunny- of course rockstar..

Pragya in mind- he never change himself for a bit, idiot..

Kiara break Pragya's mind conversation, she pick one black color dress in her hand, & show to Pragya- mom wear these one piece black color dress..

Sunny- yeah mom, you gonna look beautiful in these black one piece..

Pragya- you both won't accept me in jeans..

Kiara & Sunny again cut her in mid- never..

Pragya- ok, & she went in changing room with dress..

Hotel Blue Star

Pragya gets bore, she start to tap her nails on table, her normal mood change in irritation, last 2 hour she waits for King Singh..

Her cell ring, she pick the call..

Pragya with annoying tone- where the hell that your King Singh, two hours I waited for him like mad, & he didn't came here yet..

Abhi- woh actually, fifteen minutes more..

Pragya- Abhi.. everyone looks at me, like I'm alien..

Abhi- I know! You look like alien, that's why they looks at you..

Pragya- stop it idiot, it's not funny thing, & a one tap on Pragya's shoulder, she turn her face..

Abhi with smiling face, snatch her cell from her ear & keep it on table, take a sit in front of her..

Pragya- don't tell me, he cancelled the date or you play a prank on me..

Abhi- second option is actually wrong!!

Pragya- it means he cancelled the date..

Abhi- yeah.. I mean.. & he stop in mid..

Pragya got up from her chair, with furious face..

Abhi- fuggy & he hold her wrist..

Pragya look him..

Abhi- sit..

Pragya not interested, her anger out from her control..

Abhi- arrye baba sit, plz for me..

Pragya again sit on her chair, & start to look him..

Abhi- umm I know, now you're furious on me, but he actually on last moment cancel his plan, that's why I came here..

Pragya start to stare him..

Abhi- you're hungry, so I order for us, aahh wine..

Pragya- red..

Abhi- good, & I'll pay it..

Pragya- ok..

Abhi- do you really want these date with King..

Pragya- why are you asking this question to me..

Abhi- no, just a curiosity..

Pragya smiles & says- curiosity! Abhi can I ask you..

Abhi- yeah sure!

Pragya- if our relation doesn't get change, & she stop in mid..

Abhi- what! Say it!

Pragya- may be! In case, today we both date to each other..

Abhi twist his lips- yeah, & it's not a bad idea too..

Pragya only smile..

Abhi- can we date each other, I have no girlfriend still, when we got our perfect match, then we part our ways, what say..

Pragya- it's bad idea..

Abhi- oh-ho Chashmish can't control herself, my charm effect this much..

Pragya- hatt!

Abhi- what!

Waiter serve wine for them, their order also came, they both take a sip of wine..

Pragya- perfect..

Abhi- huh!

Pragya show the glass of wine, & say- if we start to love each other & didn't express it, for our condition, then..

Abhi think for moment & say- I never hold myself for my true feelings, in case I fallen for you, I tell you for sure..

Pragya take another sip- hmm, good..

Abhi- Pragya, let it be, I want to tell you something important..

Pragya- yeah plz go ahead..

Abhi- two days ago I met to Disha..

Pragya with confuse tone- Disha! Who!

Abhi- umm! Vin's girlfriend, after Bhabhi's..

Pragya- ok..

Abhi- she told me, Vin leaves the country, is it true..

Pragya shrugged of her shoulders- don't know..

Abhi- actually I'm.. & he stop in mid..

Pragya- what! Say it baba..

Abhi- I'm bit worried about his kids, they turn to seven now, when they was three months, Vin throw me out from Mehra Mansion, after that I never look back, but for kids, I'm worried, you know Vin's behavior change after Bhabhi's & Dad's death, so I'm worried, in all kids won't suffer.. you know what I mean to say you..

Pragya take a last sip of her wine & nodded in understand..

Abhi- if you're in Vin’s touch, plz ask him about kids..

Pragya- suddenly today, why you asking about Vin's kids..

Abhi- like their father, he showed pity on me, same I want to do that, show some pity on his kids..

Pragya- Abhi it's between you & Vin, you dragging kids in your egoistic fight..

Abhi chuckle & says- like Vin, I wants to show that kids, how much they are guilty because of their father, I want that kids live their life in guilty, then I feel good..

Pragya- I think, I should leave, kids are waiting for me..

Abhi- I know, you hate my words towards Vin's kids, but what to do, Vin hurts me a lot..

Pragya leave the place without turn..

Abhi in mid- I hate you Vin Mehra, I hate you so much, because of you I hate your kids too..

Next part very soon..
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