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Pragya rush to the home, Kiara open the door, she wrapped her ring finger in her hanky, Kiara looks that & she ask her..

Kiara- mumma what happened to your finger, & she try to touch her finger..

Pragya hide her hand to her back & says with stammered- not.. nothing, & she rush to her bedroom, before Kiara comes to behind her she close the door..

Kiara observe Pragya's weird, & she comes to Sunny..

Kiara- something happens to mumma..

Sunny- what do you mean..

Kiara- she behaves weirdly..

Sunny- call to Nanu, & inform her..

Kiara- stupid first call to rockstar, he knows so well mumma's weird behavior story..

Sunny- right!

They dialed Abhi's number..

Abhi in washroom, trying to pull out ring from his finger, he look Pragya's house number & name indicates, he pick up the call with irritating mood, he thought Pragya on other side, & he start his babbling with irks..

Abhi- fuggy, I'll kill you, if these ring not slip out from my finger, I saved my ring finger for my lady love, not for you..

Kiara & Sunny listen everything with smile, they both not give any answer to Abhi & they cut the call..

Abhi not hear anything from the other side, & he start to curse Pragya again..

Pragya oiling her ring finger, try to pull ring from her finger, but it's fixed like, ring found perfect finger, her finger turn to red, she used all the way to pull out the ring but all the way fail..

A knock on Pragya's bedroom door..

Kiara & Sunny on door, they both shouts- mumma we are starving..

Pragya think for moment & says- two minutes Bacchus, I'll be there..

Sunny- ok..

Both comes to dinning area & Sunny says..

Sunny- are you sure rockstar & mumma exchange the ring..

Kiara- I'm damn sure..

Sunny- call to Nanu, she will find out whole truth..

Kiara- yeah, you are right!

They call to Sarla..

Sarla picks the call, before she say anything, Kiara opens her mouth- bunnies wants your help, come soon, it's important..

Sarla with upset mind- what happened, is everything fine there..

Sunny- don't ask any questions to us, just come soon, & don't tell these to mumma..

Sarla- ok, I'll be there in some minutes..

Call end..

Sunny- now call to rockstar too..

Kiara with confusion- why..

Sunny- just do that..

Kiara- but he will ask me, why I'm calling him..

Sunny- just tell him, you're not well..

Kiara with sad tone- after he come, he will knows I'm fine, then he will scold me..

Sunny- then you tell him, you missing him a lot, he melts in minute..

Kiara- ok, but be with me..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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