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Pragya busy with her work in studio, Abhi enter in her cabin without give any notification, she look him, his expression clearly show's her, he is scared, she ask him..

Pragya ask him with concern tone- what happened, what are you doing here, on these time, everything is ok..

Abhi become a scary cat, he says- bathroom! Washroom!

Pragya with confuse tone- what!

Abhi comes to her desk, indicates his both hands to door & says- Tanushree Mehta, she following me with ring!

Pragya hide her smile & says- what!

Abhi with pleading tone, he join his both palms & says- please save me..

Pragya smile & says with clam tone- go in washroom, open door after sometime, & just be with me in drama..

Abhi pull her cheeks, kiss her quick & says- love you fuggy, & he run in washroom..

Again Pragya's cabin door open, Tanushree enter in her cabin, she start to look her cabin corner, Pragya ask her..

Pragya- what happened..

Tanu- where is Abhi..

Pragya twist her lips & says- don't know, but why you want him..

Tanu- that's none of your business..

Pragya shook her head in yes & says- ok, just take a sit..

Tanu take a seat & says- I look Abhi enter in your cabin..

Pragya make her face confuse & says- really, ohh I'm busy with keyboard, so I don't know..

Tanu get up from chair & says- ok, then let me check the washroom..

Pragya wide her eyes with shock & she quickly says- no, don't!

Tanu turn to her- why!

Pragya say it quickly- woh, lizard in it, it's a big one..

Tanu makes the face & says- eewwee! & She again sit on chair silent..

Pragya in mind- when this mental will leave my cabin..

Pragya look the small ring box & she ask her- what's in that small box..

Tanu- a ring for Abhi..

Pragya- you proposing him..

Tanu- yes..

Pragya makes her face sad & says- ohh! Umm! Woh he will reject you..

Tanu ask her with confusion- why!

Pragya- actually! He committed with me..

Tanu with shock tone- what! But you both fight with each other all the time, you both hate each other presence too, then how it can be possible!

Pragya- actually our relation base on hate, our love increase day by day through our cute fight's..

Tanu- are you kidding with me?

Pragya shook her head in no- no, I'm serious, very soon we will declare our relation in Media too..

Tanushree stay silent..

Abhi not hear any noise from outside & he come out from washroom, Tanu & Pragya look Abhi, Pragya wide her eyes in anger, Abhi look Tanu still there..

Abhi- hi Tanu, & he come behind Pragya's chair, he hold her both shoulder, keep his chin on her head, Pragya look up to him, he pleading through his eyes, she blink her eyes in acceptance, & she continues her drama..

Tanu ask to Abhi- I heard something from Pragya, that you committed with her..

Abhi look down to Pragya, she look him up with smile, & he involved with Pragya's drama- you heard right! We committed each other..

Tanu with confusing tone- when this happened..

Abhi wrap his arms around Pragya's neck & says- when we are in school, right Pragu!

Pragya hold Abhi's arms & she digging her nails in his arms, she gritss her teeth but she showing her smiling face to Tanu- yes, he is right!

Tanu- how will be your relation work in future, you fight all the time..

Abhi smile & says- our love grow up with our fights, & our kids they are our chain of love..

Tanu not say a word & she get up from chair, she walks towards the door, same time Abhi lose the grip from Pragya's neck but again Tanu turn to them, he again hold her neck, Pragya playfully slapped on Abhi's arm, Tanu again walks to chair, start to look them both..

Pragya ask her- anything else Tanu!

Tanu ask her with doubtful tone- you both seriously together..

Abhi leave Pragya's neck & says to Tanu- will I look that ring!

Tanu with excitement gives the ring box to him, he opens that & says- it's men's ring, I want girl one..

Tanu- I have! & She opens her purse, & give another ring box to him, he pull out ring from the box, & catch Pragya's hand in his..

Pragya gritss her teeth & says- what are you doing!

Abhi kneel down on his one knee & says- I'm just confirming to her our relation, that's it..

Abhi turn to Tanu- please send the bill to my office, and please witness our relationship, & he slip the ring in Pragya's finger, & he handover other ring to Pragya..

Pragya only look him with shock, a happy moment in her heart, that samething she hide it from ages..

Abhi jerk her thoughts & says- Pragu slip ring in my finger..

Pragya not think for moment & she slip the ring in his finger..

Abhi turn to Tanu & says- please clap we both engage in front of you, & thanks for the rings, & he show his & Pragya ring finger to Tanu..

Tanu unwilling claps & leave the Pragya's cabin..

After she goes, Pragya hit punch on Abhi's chest- you fellow, we engage with each other..

Abhi- that was just a little drama Pragu, & he try to pull out ring from his finger..

Pragya too pull out the ring from her finger but it stuck in her finger- it's fit in finger..

Abhi with panic tone- mine too..

Pragya- just a minute & she goes in washroom, rubbed soap on finger, try to pull out ring from her finger, but ring not ready to leave her finger, she come out from washroom with sad face, Abhi did same too but same thing happened with him too..

They both start to curse them for their stupid drama..

ss: looking for a perfect soulmate (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now