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 "In the beginning, there were two lovers, Gaea, the earth and Uranus, the sky, they had 12 children or 12 original Titans, Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus and the sisters Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. One of these children ended up killing his father by using a scythe to chop Uranus up and scatter the remains. That is how one goddess, Aphrodite was born.

Cronus and his sister, Rhea were to have their own children, but they were warned that one child would overthrow Cronus. So, Cronus decided to eat every child to keep them from ever overpowering him. Rhea tricked her husband into not eating one child, Zeus, by giving him a rock in a blanket instead of the child. She hid her son in a cave and Zeus was raised by nymphs.

When he turned of age, Zeus decided to get revenge on his father and gave him a concoction to throw up his sister and brothers. Cronus drank it and out came the gods Poseidon and Hades and the goddesses Hestia, Hera and Demeter. Zeus and the other gods then battled with their father and other Titan relatives until they won and cast them all into the pits of Tartarus. Legend says they still reside there to this day, waiting, hoping and angry. "

One of the little kid's hands shoot up and starts wagging around quickly. I look over at him and smile, pointing at him and nodding to say he could speak.

"What happened to the rest of the gods like Hades?" The child asked. His brown hair sticks up in a few directions, like a cowlick, and the same brown eyes lay on me with content. I sigh and roll my head to the side, but then sharply turn to look at him with wild eyes.

"The gods and goddesses were then given different tasks. Poseidon ruled the sea, Zeus the sky, Demeter the plants, Hera the people, Hestia the hope and Hades," I cut myself off and look over the small children, who all sat with wide mouths and bright eyes.

"THE UNDERWORLD!" I shout and jump up, making the kids all either fall on their backs, scream or start clapping for my show. I stifle a few laughs when I notice the same kid who asked me about the gods on his back with his hands covering his red face. I sit back down on the bright blue chair the library gave me and cross my arms over my black sweater. I look over at the big cartoon clock on the wall of the playroom and give the kids a sad look.

"Alright kids, it's almost 2:30, you know what that means," The kids are all now recovered from my attempt at a scare and give me pouty lips and sad frowns. Just like on cue, the head of the library walks in with her dark blue jeans and fitted blue t-shirt.

"Did everyone have a fun time with Mrs. Rivel?" All of the kids nod eagerly and stand up, walking over to the now open door. A few turn back to give me a hug and I gladly rub their backs and give them little squeezes. The same brown haired boy comes up to me and flips his arms over my neck, bringing me closer to him.

"I wanna be just like you when I grow up," he whispers into my ear. I smile at him and pat his back, peeling the sticky child off of me. He gives me one last bright smile and dashes out of the room, to most likely meet his mother.

"Were they a handful today?" Mrs. Lean asks me, picking up a few toys as I get up to stretch from the small seat.

"Well, I had everything under control. You should have seen their faces when I scared them with the start of tomorrow's story." I say and wipe my half sweaty hands on my black jeans. Mrs. Lean looks at me with awe and crosses her frail arms. The woman was over 60 years old and still looked about 30 or younger. The only thing that hinted at her age was her frailness and the few grays she had sticking out of her brown hair.

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