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Sun Tan - Wallows
Man Down - Rihanna


Her eyes widen as I stab repeatedly in her chest, over and over again. She sways as I stab her 10, 11, 12 times and finally stab a 13th time and leave the needle in her abdomen. She falls to the floor, blood spewing from her midsection and over the once pristine floor. I didn't even notice my heavy breathing until after I watch her fall to the floor, gasping for the last bits of life.

I didn't even notice my heavy breathing until she was lying still. I drop the now destroyed needle onto the ground next to her. What have I done? I roll back off my shoulder and onto my back, which instantly squishes against the pooling blood. I once again staring up at a ceiling, but this time, the ceiling wasn't like constellations. This time, the ceiling was dark and retched.

I just killed a woman. I killed a living breathing person, someone who had a life. Someone who was going to kill me. I shut my eyes and listen to the unsteady breathing escaping my lips and the uneven rhythm Jase's made with mine. He hadn't moved since she pushed him into the table, or at least from my assumption. I could feel her blood seeping into my own clothes and burying itself into my skin like a tattoo. I didn't have anything else to do, I had to kill her. I had to.

I open my eyes and look over at Jase, who was staring at his lifeless mother with a confused look. His hands were balled into fists, but not like he was angry. Just resting on top of the chair he was half sitting in and half falling out of. I could see the speckles of blood from his mother littering his lower legs. It reminded me of the day I escaped the first time.

What do I do next? I just killed a woman, my leg was broken and my kidnapper seemed entranced by the fact his mother was dead. What could I do? I turn away from Jase and look at the open fridge. Now that I was much more awake, I could realize the impact Jase was starting to have on me. I was trying to trick him this whole time into believing I was someone different when I was actually tricking myself. Hell, I killed an evil woman all by myself, right? That had to mean I could do something without him.

"Are you hurt?" I look back at Jase, who was still staring at his mother. Did he even say that? Or was it the corpse?

"Are you?" Jase repeats, more clearly and loudly. His eyes glance down at me, only to look at my face and then back to his mother. As if she would get up at any moment.

"Not from her," I murmur and prop myself up on my elbows. I could feel her wet blood on my skin and smell the rotten copper odor. I gag once it hits the back of my throat and force myself not to cover my mouth. It would only spread more blood on my face, which would definitely not make a good time for me.

"This is a dream, right? She's going to get back up, just like every other time, right?" Jase starts to fiddle with his fingers, never breaking away from his mother. I look back at her body, her ugly form and shake my head. He seemed more fragile now than he ever was. I needed to use this, maybe I could get him to take me to a real hospital or better.

"She's dead, Jase. She can't do anything to us-you. Nothing to you," Jase looks at me, really looks at me. Examining my face and trailing his eyes down my body, stopping at my leg.

"She won't? You did that? Just for me?" I nod my head. He cracks the tiniest of smiles at me and lowers his head. I couldn't tell if my efforts were enough. But I had to try.

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