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Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
King - Years And Years

Petals fall from the sky

The flower was no longer

Silence filled the air

The beast was tricked

An awful scheme, a sick ruse

Colors flying from the sky

The flower dead among life


Something hits my face and I wake with a start. At least, I thought something had touched my face. I open my eyes as something hits my forehead. I sit up and look up at the ceiling, plain white like the rest of the room. There it was, a growing wet spot dripping from the ceiling. Actually, there were three; one over me, one by the door and the other by the corner. The patters of rain rung throughout the room and calmed me as I got up. Honestly, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where anything to stop a leaking roof would be.

I creep out of the room and tiptoe down the hallway to the kitchen, to look for bowls. Jase was nowhere to be seen or heard for that matter. I stop when I reach the counter and look around the small space, just to make sure he wasn't hiding in the shadows like normal. Nothing. I look up at the cabinets and see everyone with a small lock. I could have sworn there weren't any on there before. I mean, it was comical to think I would do something with a bowl. Well, putting thought into it, I did hate the man enough to kill him with a bowl.

There was only one without a lock, so I open that to find exactly what I needed; bowls and plates. All of them plastic. Clever boy. I take three of the large red ones and shut the cabinet as quietly as I could and go back to the room. A slap of thunder booms through the house as I walk back into the room to set the bowls under the drips. I look over at the soaking bed and throw my plans of going back to sleep out of the window. I wished I could open the windows to let the rain in. I loved the rain and would go out in no matter the temperature. Sadly, they were all plastered shut tightly. A fire hazard if anything.

I didn't know what else to do, so I sit in the same chair next to the window and stare out at the rain. I could see the puddles gathering out in the yard, muddy water mixed with the tall grass poking up. I start to imagine koi fish swimming around, frogs leaping out to get shelter, flowers withering from the tons of water being dumped on them. It wasn't hard to imagine when all I had was my own mind. Another clap of thunder booms and that was when I heard it. The whimpering.

I turn my head and look over at the door. Was it Jase? Who was I kidding, like anyone else was going to be in the house? Hello Mr. Burglar, meet Mr.Serial Killer and Stalker. Have fun now. I pass it off as my own head making things up and look back out the window. If it was Jase, I didn't care. Probably murdering someone as I sit here, torturing them to the extent their bodies give out.

The whimpering was more prominent this time and I definitely knew I heard it. I sigh and scoot out of the chair to go investigate. If it was Jase, what was I going to do? Beg him to stop killing whoever he had contained? Perhaps he would listen to me, he was utterly infatuated with me. I go over to the door that always stayed locked, right across from mine. I watched him go in there every night for the past three days it had been raining and he would sparsely come out. I wasn't complaining, it gave me time to work on my escape plan and snoop through the house. Not that there was much.

Knocking on the door, I put my hand on the knob and it easily opens. The room was dark and not from the gloomy outside; the curtains were pinned closed and there wasn't any light except the opened door. What a way to torture someone. Locking them up in a dark room. Sounded familiar.

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