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Better This Way - Cherri Bomb
Sociopath - StayLoose and Bryce Fox

Twisted moaning fills the air

Little ones do beware

It's here and time for the parade

A daring fight, a dead charade

Break your skull and snap the bone

Turn those tears into stone

No more fighting, no more guests

Beware the one you call the best


The first thing I feel as I jolt awake is the suffocating warmth holding me down to the mattress. The second is the prickly hair on my neck. The third is the raging anger for the monster below me.

Jase was holding me still, but this time he seemed knocked out cold. Whatever he had been doing must have worked wonders on his energy, because he barely seemed to notice when I move my arm out from under him. I stretch the arm above me and wince at the numbness. Over a hundred pounds could do that to a person. I roll my neck to look down at him, eyes closed and breathing shallow. Finally, a state that I enjoyed him in.

As I lay my head back down on the pillow, I think about all the things I wasn't able to consciously think about while being trapped in this room. Mare was somewhere without his medication. Kane was most likely angry with me for doing this to Mare. But how was I supposed to know? I remember the events after driving away from Jase that night and it didn't make sense. Mare seemed to be freaked out, but he didn't seem like he would drive out here. He hated to drive long distances without someone with him.

Kane would be smarter about approaching the situation. He would look through Mare's belongings for some sort of plan strewn on his sketch walls or papers on his desk. He never made a plan like this without writing it down, it was just who Mare was. Kane would get the address from Mare's parents and drive here. All the way here for me to be god knows where. I had to still be in Cranston or some close town. Jase spoke about the pests of the town or something along those lines.

There was Mrs.Lean. God, I knew she had to beat up about this. She probably thought I left town for good. Such a sweet woman who deserved the world and I would bet money she was worried about me. Who else was going to read to the kids? The kids probably missed me, especially the one with messed up hair. My favorite one to read to. My mind starts to slip into the stories I read to the kids; the myths, the fairytales, the adventures. How I wished this was a horror story and not my reality.

A creaking drags me from my thoughts. I turn my head and stare at the metal door of the room. I could have sworn it came from that direction, maybe it was just Jace moving. I stare a bit longer and close my eyes. I didn't want to ruin this peace from the killer holding me, for I didn't know when the next peace would be. It happens again, louder and more prolonged. The unmistakable sound of a door creaking. I open my eyes to see the door no longer pristinely shut tight, but this time with a small sliver of an opening. The grip on my waist tightens.

I look back down at Jase, his eyes still closed and the breathing still coming out in slow puffs. This was my opportunity. There the keys were, dangling from the lock and calling my name to lock him up as he did to me. I wanted to cry right then and there. I shake my head and breath in, then out. I needed to stay collected if I wanted to get out of here.

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