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Pretty When You Cry - VAST
Be My Baby - The Ronettes

"Wake up, my love," I roll onto my side and block my face with my arms so my mother would not see my face. Why would not she just let me sleep in for one day?

"Aw, don't hide from me. I've already seen everything, "That was not mom. Dad would never wake me up, either. My eyes open and the first thing I see are the rses. I sit up and the headache hits me back down onto the bed. This was not my bed, my bed had blue covers, not brown.

Memories flood my head as humming wanders into my ears. I shut my eyes, hoping it was all a dream and when I opened them again, it would be Mare playing a sick joke on me. I open my eyes and tilt my head towards the humming, utterly shocked at what I saw.

It was not some gross middle-aged man like in the tv series, nor was he overweight or disfigured. He was a young guy, maybe in his 20's with curly blonde hair and wide eyes. He had a pink bandage over the bridge of his nose, the only thing keeping the overly large glasses on his face. He was. . . dorky.

Why was he being so, well, not murderous? Wasn't he going to kill me or sell me? Wasn't my soul going to be forever trapped in this room? I look around the more a little more, still laying on the soft bed. It had blank walls with Christmas light all around the tops, far too high for me to reach. There was a nightstand with a flower vase filled with roses, the table he was sitting at and a small little bookshelf, filled with books. No windows, only one solid metal door with a single slot in the middle. I turn my attention back to him.

"Where. . . am. . . I? "I say, my voice coming out much scratchier and slower than I wanted it to. His lips purse and he gets up from his chair, standing to a towering height and going up to the door. He opens the slot and brings in a white glass and a white plate with an assortment of cut up fruits. He sits next to me, his thigh dangerously close to mine, his elbow dangerously close to my chest.

"Here, drink up!" My tongue felt like a desert, yet I stare at the glass in his hand. Hell no, I was not going to eat or drink anything from this psycho. He didn't even answer my question.

"Where am I?" I repeat, this time faster but still with a voice I could not recognize. He frowns deeply and a glimmer of something I could not recognize pangs in his eyes.

"First, you need to drink something. Then, you need to eat. I cut up your favorite fruits so they wouldn't be too big for you, "I stare at the plate, apples and kiwis all placed in a neat circle. I look back up at him, who stopped frowning but instead was focused on me. I turn my head from him.

"I'd rather starve," To say I'm shocked would be an understatement when he starts to chuckle. A hand grips my chin, tightly turning my face so I was staring back into the crazed eyes of my captor. The pink bandage was not so innocent anymore.

"First, you are going to apologize for that little comment. You are going to drink this. Then, you are going to eat every single fucking piece of fruit on this plate. Have I made myself clear? Hm? Because I don't want to shove these down your throat, darling. You don't want to make me any angrier than I already am, "I averted my eyes from his own, staring at the odd freckles going down his chin. The grip on my jaw tightens as his fingernails dig into my own skin. I nod.

"Say it then. Tell me how sorry you are, "I feel something drip from my chin and down start to roll down my neck and onto my clothes. It was hard to tell whether they were tears or blood, but I prayed they were just tears. I say nothing as his fingernails continue to dig deeper and impossibly deeper into my skin. He looks down at my chin and starts to chuckle again.

"Look what you've made me do, darling. You're bleeding all over our bed, look at you. Don't worry, I will fix it, "He releases me from his clutches and my head whips to the side from the push away. My chained hand automatically touches the fresh dents in my skin and the liquidy feel of the blood. I look down at the scarlet on my fingers as a two teardrops fall onto them, mixing with the blood.

He sits back down next to me and grabs my chin, examining the damage. I continue my silent streak as he opens a medical kit and gently dabs my wounds with cotton, then applying a stinging pad.

"You look so pretty when you cry." I feel bandages placed on my face. He closes the kit, lets go of my chin and grips my shoulders to examine his work.

"Aren't we just adorable? Now we match! "He chimes and boops me on the nose with his finger. Was this man absolutely insane? Well, yes, he had to be to kidnap me, but his personality was all over the place. Was I going to die?

"Am I going to die?" I ask, realizing how idiotic it was to ask that in front of my captor. I avoid my gaze from him again, not wanting to see the glimmer of crazy that lit up earlier.

"Do you think I'm going to kill you? Baby, I'm hurt. Sure, I can get a little crazy sometimes, but I would never intentionally hurt you. I took you away from everyone to protect you, protect us. " I stare down at my feet, my eyes traveling my legs and to odd finger-shaped bruises on my bare legs. I hadn't even noticed he had completely changed my clothes into, well, my clothes. This was the exact Van Halen shirt I normally wore to bed. The thought that he saw me undressed crawls over my skin and I shiver.

"Are you cold? You're cold, see this is why you need to eat! You're so thin that your body is shivering! If you will not eat this, I'll make you anything! "I boldly shake my head.

"And why not?"

"Because I fucking hate you!" I scream, more tears starting to roll down my face. I quickly shut my mouth as a dark shadow crosses his face. His eyes go through shock, sadness and rest on anger as he gets off the bed, grabs me by the arms and throws me onto the floor. My butt hits the ground and I wince at the impact.

"I've had enough of this little attitude of yours, Acacia. Stop this crying, you're making me angry! "He yells and starts to pace the area where the door was and back over to where I was. 

"I offer you protection, I offer you my love and what do you do? You deny me and slap me in the face! Do you know how long I went without you? Three days, Acacia, three days! It took me a day just to find that woman's apartment and it pained me that we could not sleep side by side like we usually do, "

" W-what? "I managed out, staring at him in disbelief. He stops pacing and crouches down in front of me.

"Of course you don't remember a thing, you sleep like a rock. Every night I would wait until you fell asleep and hold you while you whimpered and squirmed. Such an active imagination you have, my dear. So many secrets, so many thoughts, "I feel my stomach turn. How long has he been watching me? How long was he invading me? I could feel the tuna in my stomach float to my throat.

"No," I whisper, the tears finally starting to stop. I ran out of tears, just like my mind was running out of patience.

"Oh yes, Acacia. My little acacia. You've been mine since the day I laid eyes on you at the library. Of course, you never noticed me, no one ever does. I bet you noticed my little furry friend, though. Such a lovely present, wasn't he? But then you ran away from my gift. I didn't like that, Acacia. I didn't like that at all. And when you bought that woman and ignored my plea? Well, I just about lost it then and there, love, "

"So what? You kidnap me? "I spit at him. It lands on his cheek and he scoffs, wiping it off and grabbing me by the shirt. He brings me closer to his face so I could smell the putrid hot breath kiss my face.

"Apologize, you're acting like a brat. Where is my little Acacia that I love so much? Do you need me to drug you again until you learn how to behave? I don't like using the chloroform, you know this baby, "I shake my head and he sighs, setting me down and getting up from his position.

"I suppose I need to put you to sleep again. Don't worry, you will not be out as long this time, your body took quite a hit to the last drug, "I quickly stand up and loudly say," No! "

"No? Are you telling me no? My dear, you have so much to learn. "

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