Chapter 7~ A Duel to Remember

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👆🏻That's what Harry looks like btw but of course younger and has a emerald green eyes too, Nick is supposed to have the lightning scar in this story and Harry has the scar in the photo.👆🏻

(Harry's p.o.v)

After the excitement with the big news with Draco, I noticed my growth and weight were growing from me eating and those nutrition potions that Severus supplied for me. I was almost as tall as Draco but I was a few of inches shorter than him still.
"Bloody hell, Harry! Your almost as tall as me." he said, astonished by how fast I was growing. I smirked, knowing how I'm going to be the one in charge.
Me and Draco hardly talked when someone far less welcome turned up: Spoiled Potter, flanked by Hermione Granger; A know-it-all and Ronald Weasley; Who is too dumb to even function.
"Having a last meal, Potter? When are you getting on the train back to your parents?
"Your a lot braver now that your back on the ground and you've got your little friends with you, Potty," I said smirking. There was of course nothing at all they could do cause the high table was full of teachers, and Severus was watching the whole conversation carefully, neither of them could do more than crack there knuckles and scowl.
"I'd take you anytime on my own." said Nick. "Tonight, if you want. Wizard's duel. Wand only --- no contact. What's the matter? Never heard of a wizard's duel before, I suppose?"
"Of course he has," said Draco, as we both smirked. "I'm his second, who's yours?"
Nick looked at Weasley and Granger, sizing them up.
"Granger," he said. "Midnight all right? We'll meet you in the trophy room; that's always unlocked."
When Nick had gone, Me and Draco looked at eachother.
"The most Potter'll be able to do is send sparks at you. I bet he doesn't know enough magic to do any real damage. I bet he expected you to not know any spell or you would refuse." he said, confidently.
He knows I have been practicing duel and defence spells, and other dark magic. I have been checking out a lot of books from the library, practicing other spells from higher grades.
All the same it wasn't what you'd call the perfect end to the day, I thought, as I lay awake much later listening to Baise and Gregory falling asleep. There is a very good chance we'll get caught by Filch or Mrs. Norris, but I wasn't going to miss the chance to beat his spoiled butt. I couldn't miss it.
"Half-past eleven," Dray muttered at last, "we'd better go."
We pulled on their bathrobes, picked up our wands, and crept down the hallway, and into the Slytherin common room. A few Amber's were still glowing in the fireplace, turning all the armchairs into a hunched black shadows. We were almost at the portrait hole when I heard a voice behind us,
"What are you doing, Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy."
I turned around to see Professor Shape, standing there staring at us.
"Severus, Potter challenged us to a wizard's duel and I was thinking of telling you so you could take points from him or something." I said softly, looking down, hoping to not get in yelled at.
"All right, I'll come in later and catch him, give him detention and deduct points," he said smirking. "Just don't get caught by Filch and the others, okay."
We both nodded, and pushed the portrait open and climbing through the hole soon after. We both walked to in corridors. At every turn I expected to run into Filch or Mrs. Norris, but we were lucky. We sped up a staircase to the third floor and tiptoed toward the trophy room.
Nick and Weasley were there already there. The trophy room cases glimmered where the moonlight caught them. Cups, Shields, plates, and statues winked silver and gold in the darkness. They edged along the walls, but still keeping their eyes on Nick and Weasley.
"Let's start, Potter, " Nick said, raising he's wand to my face. "First one to get knocked down will lose and the other is the victor."
I grabbed my wand, preparing myself for a attack. I was staring at nick pretty much telling him to hex or to pounce at me. He looked prepared and looked ready at the same time. He raised his wand about to say a spell but was quickly interrupted by a drawling voice.
"Mr. Potter," Professor Snape drawled, looking angry. "Trying to attack a student, and do a wizard's duel in school. Fifty points each from Gryffindor and both of you get a month of detention with me."
They both looked horrified at what just happened, Nick looked as though he rather kiss fifty toads than be with or deal with Professor Snape , As the same goes with Weasley. They were sent back to there dorms and were told that Professor McGonagall will be told of this situation. When they were told that they were even more mortified cause believe me that women can be scary.
As we were walking back, we all started laughing and smirking at the whole event, well for Snape he was smirking like his whole life was complete and was chuckling here and there.
"Fifty points each to Slytherin for telling me, good job boys." Snape said, walking away to his own dormitory smirking.
We both looked at each other, surprised Snape gave us a compliment but we smiled and laughed it off. We walked to our room, got dressed in our pajamas and went to our Slytherin themed beds. That night, was Exciting and full of laughter, both were happy of today's events.

Hope y'all enjoy the chapter
And I also hope you have a wonderful day
Total word count is 984

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