Chap 2

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The final bell of the day rang. Finally. It's time to go home. I gather my things and put them in my bag. I get out my slip of paper I brought with me with my grocery list on it. The market has a sale today that I can't miss.

"Hey, [y/n]!" I heard Misaki call. I look up and see her at my desk, giving me a wonderful smile.

"Hello Misaki," I smile back. "Are you doing anything after school?" I ask her.

"Well, I usually head to the student council room and do work there until seven." She answers.

"Oh," I say while standing up. "Is there anything I can help you with?" Maybe the store can wait. The sale is until midnight, so I am pretty sure I have time. 

"I guess. I am filing papers for the teachers to grade and looking through magazines to let students check out in the library. But--" she points at me-- "You need to do your cleaning first."

"Oh, right." I remember clean up in my last school. "What should I do?"

"You can sweep the cross hall. The brooms and dust bins are in that closet over there." She says and points to a door behind me.

"Are you doing clean up, Misaki?" I ask her and push in my chair.

"I usually patrol halls to make sure students do their cleaning. Meet me in the student council room when you're done. The door is in the hall you are cleaning." She gives me a wave and heads for the door.

I grab a broom and a dust bin, a weird, draining feeling heaves in my chest. Like exhaustion, but emotionally. I sigh. I haven't felt this emotionally drained since I was first living by myself. I head down the hall and find the cross hall that Misaki told me about. Crumpled up pieces of paper lie on the floor, along with some wrappers, loads of dust, and some chewing gum. Gross.

I look out the windows and see the beautiful view of the front gates. The inside of Seika may be indecent, but the outside is actually quite pretty.

"Would you look at that." Someone said. I looked up and saw three boys with heights towering over me. They bend down and look at my face. "Its the cute transfer student we've been hearing about."

"Wow, she's a solid ten." Another guy says and gives me a smirk. "So, girly, you got any plans? Wanna come hang out with us?"

"Uhh--" I stammer, my face getting hot from nerves. "I--I can't. I'm suppo--supposed to meet a friend."

"Aw come on, we won't bite." One took a hold of my wrist.

"Stop," I grit my teeth and back into the window, closing my eyes and bracing myself.

I felt him let go of my wrist, his hand being slapped away by someone else. I look up and see Takumi Usui, one hand against the window by my face, the other flung out in a defensive manner. "Who gave you the right to touch her?" He asked rhetorically. The three guys looked taken aback. "I suggest you get out of here before you get hurt." He says. 

"Heh, whatever." One said and walked off, with the others following close behind.

"Are you okay, miss?" Usui asked me, taking his hand off of the window.

"I-I'm fine." I say without making eye contact. "Thank you." 

I hear him smile before he walked off. All of the tension stayed with me while I finished up my cleaning. My god that was terrifying. I hate all of this attention. Also, why did Usui step in? I thanked him, but Misaki told me to stay away from him. Ugh I'm so confused.

People did walk up to me for the rest of the ten minutes I took. All they did, though, was ask me my name, where I transferred from, and whatever. When I finished, I put the broom back and emptied the dust bin. I put on a false smile before entering the student council room. I saw Miaski at the front desk, sorting through papers with a concentrated look on her face.

"Hey, Misaki." I greeted her. "I'm ready to help." I walked over to her desk and just felt the other student council members staring at me. 

"[Y/n], good to see you!" She continued to put papers in their designated piles as she talked. "You could maybe alphabetize the books on the rack over there by author's last name, if it's not too much trouble. Are you sure you shouldn't be studying or something? There's a test coming up next week."

"I'll be fine." I said and walked over to the rack of books and keeling down. "I work best at night."

"[You transferred at the right time, [y/n]." Misaki said. I looked up at her.


"The culture festival is in a few weeks." She gave me a smile as she stacked the papers in a neat pile. I raised my eyebrows in interest. My last school didn't have a festival.

"I guess I'm just lucky." I smile and turn to the shelf.

I plugged my headphones into my phone and listened to music while I worked. Sorting through the books was not as boring as it seems. When I saw a very interesting title, I read the description as well, sometimes adding the book to my "to-read" list that is about a mile long at this point. It would be a lot shorter if I had more free time, and if books weren't so expensive. Well, expensive in my budget. 

The end of the day rolled around. The sunset softly glowed orange through the windows, giving the room a beautiful setting. I finished, so I took the books down to the library. No one was in the library, so it was quiet and peaceful. I stood in here for a few minutes before I realize it is best if I go back. 

Something is so ominous about an empty school, or just any place with lots of people in a time that there is none. No one shoving in the hallways. No idiot screaming. No one looking at you. No worries. It feels so strange, like a setting in a horror movie with dark hallways and flickering lights. Complete silence only broken with each step the person takes. 


I say goodbye to Misaki as we walk past the gates. We go in opposite directions, a bit of a bummer, as I wanted to talk with her longer. I turned right and walked toward the busy streets and towards the market. I took the list out of my apartment and read it over while I was walking. Yes, this should be enough for this week.

I grabbed the all the rice, miso paste, vegetables, sauce, and red bean dumplings that I needed. Well, I only grabbed the red bean dumplings because I had money left. I might as well treat myself. They're so good~

I arrived at my apartment and it already is dark out. I always have Thursdays off at my job... which means it's back to work tomorrow... yay. I changed into comfortable clothes, cooked dinner, ate said dinner, and sat down to study. I reread the chapter we read in class and whittled my way through the packet that was assigned, all while listening to my study and chill playlist. 

The hours passed by faster and faster, and before I knew it, it was already midnight. I'm glad I went to the sale while I did. 

I get ready for bed and then crash on my bed after taking the sleeping medicine. I thought about the stress that today caused. I don't know if I want to go back anymore.

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