Chap 10

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(I'm sorry, but I'm going to be publishing chapters a lot slower for a little while. Something came up and I need space to think. Sorry for the inconvenience)

"That concludes the last meeting." Misaki said while closing her book. "Did you get all of that Kosugi?"

"Yes ma'am." The secretary nods.

"Okay, Sawa, make sure you have those budgets written down for next semester."


"[Y/n], are you doing alright?" Misaki asks me.

"Yes madam president," I smile. The other student council members grabbed their papers and books and began to leave. "Thanks for letting me join in on the meeting."

"I told you that it was boring. You didn't have to. But you were a good help. Without you, we would still be going through the opinion box."

"No problem," I say, "I should come more often." I look at my phone and check the time. No, I don't need to hurry. I help Misa tidy the student council room before we both head out, saying goodbye, as we both don't expect to see each other until after break. 

A couple months have past since the sports festival. Some time afterwards, we had an open campus event, nothing interesting happened then. I feel like when you're promised a break tomorrow, that promise is more relieving than the actual break. 

I'm talking of course, of summer vacation. I have no plans except work the opening shift for my job every day. My shift will end around noon, so I will get work over with and then have the rest of the day off. That promise is enough to get me up in the morning. 


Actually, that promise was never kept. I woke up the next morning early, went to the café, and came to see everyone there early as well. Now my head is spinning.

"We're going on a company trip," I angrily cite what I heard them say this morning. "They say." I throw some clothes by my duffle bag with the force of my anger. "It's a sponsor event at the beach, they say." I turn around and collapse on my bed. "What the hell are they thinking? I hate swimsuits. I feel insecure in them. It's always too hot and miserable. And sand gets everywhere." 

I sit up and stare out my window with the wonderful view of a brick wall. "But, I'm getting paid double. And I haven't been to the ocean in years. Maybe I will have fun if I just stay inside."

I walk over to my bag and fold the clothes to stuff them inside. I am supposed to meet my coworkers at the train station promptly at nine o'clock. Right now, it's one. I should hurry the hell up and shut my mouth.


"[Y/n]! There you are!" Okura calls my name across the train station. I give her a smile and pick up my pace. As I get closer, I can see Noya, Karasu, and Asaka. My smile then dies as I see Usui standing with them as well.

"Usui, what are you doing here?" I give him a glare. 

"The manager asked me to come too." He answers. I look at Okura and give her a look of 'why'.

"Yes," she smiles. "I can't leave your boyfriend behind!" I close my eyes of frustration and grit my teeth.

"He is not my--" I am interrupted by the screeching sound of the approaching train. Wind tosses my hair back and I wince at the horrible sound. The same automated voice rang out as the doors opened 'mind the gap'.

"Alright everyone! Let's go!" Okura smiled and slightly pushed me ahead. I sigh and walk onto the train. 

I sit down after pushing my bag into the compartment above. I get out my phone and plug my earbuds in, turning on my playlist. I sit back and listen to the melody, closing my eyes. A one hour train ride to the beach sitting next to Usui. Talk about the definition of mixed emotions, am I right. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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