Chap 9

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I found my pace. Not in running, but in working. I got a new shift now from five to nine and I even got a raise. My schedule now has been staying after school to study and help Misaki, head to work around half past four, work until nine with 2500 yen an hour, go home and cook dinner, eat dinner, clean, do a little more school work, and hopefully be asleep by one.

Now, today is the sports festival. Today is the best time for one as it is clear weather without a shred sign of raining. I stand in the crowd of people by the podium, listening to the rules and order that the competitions are in. "And on that note, the eighty first Seika High School sports festival is underway!"

I cheer along with everyone. Misaki has worked so hard. I'm excited to see her compete. I don't like competitions that much, and I'm not very athletic, so I think I'll pass on running. For the first time, each event has an award. Those items will go to the member of the team that gets first place. Unfortunately, there was some miscommunication with the prizes, and the obstacle course's prize is a kiss from Sakura.

On the day they were posted, Sakura came running to Misaki and I, nearly in tears. I felt absolutely terrible. I was the one that double checked the prizes before they went out. I meant to change the obstacle course prize, but I put it off for too long and forgot about it.

"[Y/n]! There you are!" I hear a voice call from behind me. "I almost forgot to give you this." Misaki says and hands me a white ribbon.

"What for?"

"It is our team's color headband. You're technically on the girls team, even if you don't plan to compete."

"Okay," I say and tie it on.

"Oh, shoot, it's about to start. I better get up there." Misaki says and hurries away.

"Good luck Misa!!" I call to her.

"And the Seika's sports festival has kicked off at last! First up as always, is the 100 meter dash!" I hear the broadcaster announce. I run down to the track and see Misa standing at the start line.

"Go Misaki! Show them how bad ass you are!" I shout over the crowd. The small gunshot sounds and the racers take off. Misa already takes the lead, sprinting with full determination. She wins! Passing through the ribboned finish!

I cheer with the other girls as I watch her take the prize. 

Misa ends up winning the 200 meter dash, the 400 meter dash, and the 1500 meter dash! I cheer the loudest over all the boy's cries of defeat. She is utterly exhausted at the end of the sprint. The girls and I manage to convince her to take a small break. Seeing her run is so motivational.

The next race is the obstacle course, and everyone can participate. I walk over to the ice cooler to get another bottled water, when some voices catches my attention. "You sure you're going to get first on this one?"

"Of course. If push comes to shove, I'll get past Ayuzawa for sure."

Oh no. They're going to what?  

I end up tying my headband on my head and walking up to the starting line. This shocks some people, I think, I'm assuming that's what the whispers are about. 

Simple rules: don't push, shove, or work together. Got it. The gunfire goes off and everyone takes off with it. I sprint with them towards a giant tilted wall. I can barely hear the commentator as I run past some boys already breaking rules, hopping on each other's shoulders and wrestling to the ground. 

I manage to make it over. How? I don't know. Next is the tight rope and my slight fear of heights kick in. I cling onto the rope, nearly falling a handful of times, behind a ton of people. I sprint to the pool area with floating stepping stones. Falling in means instant disqualification. Heck, this looks hard. I see Misa in front of me. I'm glad she's made it this far.

Oh no... I see the murderous look of the boy's face who is running next to Misaki. The same boy from earlier, named Goda. He grits his teeth and with a swing of his hand, he pushes Misa over the edge to the pool. "NO!" I shout and run faster, grabbing Misa's hand and almost falling in myself. "Gotcha!" I yell. As I pull her up, I feel a stabbing pain in my foot.

"[Y/n]? I thought you weren't going to compete." She says.

"No time for that, he's getting away!" I shout, watching the other boy hop across the floating surfaces. "Come on." I say and run across them, nearly slipping twice. 

Misa and I run side by side, towards the volley ball court, dodging every volley ball thrown at us. "Go Misa!!" I shout to her with all my strength. 

"I got this [y/n]!" She yells back and sprints harder to the finish.

200 meters away.

100 meters.

40 meters.

10 meters.

Go Misaki!! I think to myself, slowing my run to a jog.

"Yes," I whisper as Misa finishes first, leaving the boy to drop down to his knees in defeat, letting me easily past him. 

I walk to the goal, slightly limping. Damn, I think I twisted my ankle. Heart pounding, breath short, my vision goes dark. Oh no.. I think to myself as I collapse to my knees. I cover my mouth with my hand as I breath heavily. I feel like I'm going to throw up...

"[Y/n]! Are you alright?!" I hear shouts cry to me. 

I am not in shape... My legs hurt. I pulled a muscle on my arm I think, and I defiantly sprained my ankle. I can't catch my breath... My heart rate is too high.

I feels arms around me and hand me a water bottle. Still panting, I take it and drink it, careful not to chug it and throw up. I feel a hand on my forehead, forcing me to lay back. I do and feel myself rest in the lap of someone. I look at their face, slightly blurred by the sun, and meet the eyes of Usui before I black out.


"For the last time, I'm fine." I say to a worried Misaki.

"You collapsed! I feel so bad for leaving you behind!" She says as she wraps my foot in the nurse's office. 

"You had to protect Sakura and I had to protect you! I heard Goda talking before the race. He said he'll do whatever it takes to get past you. It was my decision to enter the race. Plus I was only out for... what, ten seconds?"

"That bastard," Misa cursed. "The next time I see him I'm gonna," Misa grumbled threats under her breath.

"I really admire your hard work Misa," I smile. She looks up at me, with glimmer in her eyes. "I wish I could be like you."


Misaki insisted that I stayed inside, making me miss the final event. I was forced to keep my foot wrapped and ice it while everyone else was having fun... I assume. Though I heard that the costumed race is a real drag. 

I look outside from a classroom window, watching everyone pack up the equipment. 

"'Not much of an athlete' hm?" I hear a voice coming from the classroom door. "That looked pretty impressive to me."

"Hello Usui," I say, keeping my eyes out the window. "I'm surprised you didn't compete. Aren't you supposed to be really strong or something?"

"I'm not much for competitions." He says as he sits on a desk next to mine. "Why did you enter anyway? Out of all of them, you entered the hardest. Is there a reason behind that?"

"I heard a couple guys saying they were going to hurt Misaki in order to get past her. I couldn't just stand there, so I entered."

"You would just risk yourself like that?"

"Of course," I say and look at him. "She's one of my friends. I had to do something." I pause and smile at Usui. "I'd even risk myself for you if I had to, Usui." Are my eyes deceiving me, or is his face going visibly red. I look away and stare out the window again. "You know what? I think we should get dinner again sometime. As long as you're paying of course."

I hear Usui smile. "There you go again."

I don't know what he meant by that at all.

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