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An hour after the yelling finally stopped, I get a text from an unknown number.

Please come over

It must be Johnny.

At this time of night? Why should I? I vividly remember being told to go home.

There is no way that I'm going to give in so easily.

V, please? I need to explain.

I hop up from the steps, beer still in hand. No harm in hearing his side. Not giving in, just curious as to why I was called a mistress.


He answers the door after one knock. He opens it and immediately places his hand gently over my mouth, gesturing for me to be quiet with the other. I nod, understanding. I follow him through the small apartment, to a door down the slender hall. He opens it, his eyes bulging in nervousness. Inside is pink walls, a small twin bed, with a little girl sleeping soundly under the pink and purple covers. My eyes look to him in question. He closes her door quietly, and leads me outside.

Once we were outside he starts raking his hands through this short hair. I wait patiently for him to speak. "I was 16, involved in some bad shit. I met Mariana, the girl who I was fighting with earlier. We acted like immature kids, and eventually slipped up." I can see how hard it is for him to tell me. He gestures towards the house, "That's Valentina. She's my world. She's 7 and loves the magnolia flowers."
So he knows I was paying attention to his tattoos.

He starts tearing up. I can see she's his everything. "Thank you for telling me." I stand up and look into his deep brown eyes. I lean up and grab his sculpted face, and plant a delicate kiss on his lips. He smiles when I pull away. "I don't want to intrude, but what was your fight about?" He immediately sets his jaw back to stone.

"Marianna isn't fit to be a mother. She drove Valentina out here, to drop her off because she's had enough of being a mother. Yet last time you saw that car, that was her telling me she wouldnt let me see her. Now she's going on a trip with her new boy." He looks up at the sky. "I have no problem taking Val, I want full custody, but couldn't do that to her, she should have a mama right?" I don't say anything, deflecting on my mom. He goes on,"But Marianna, was pushing her into the door to make a quick getaway, hoping I wouldn't see the bruise on Valentina's face. That was why she wouldn't let me see her last week."

He starts pacing, obviously pissed off. Hell, I'm pissed just hearing about it. "Marianna let her boy hit her. That was the last straw. I told her I was gonna sue her for custody. That's what all the yelling was about." I nod. I take a drag off my beer before passing it to him.

He looks at me, staring into my soul. "I'm sorry about earlier." I smile at him. "No harm done." He grabs my hand. "I hope this doesn't scare you off." I squeeze his hand. "You're not getting rid of me that easily." He laughs, and lets go of my hand. Kisses my forehead and wishes me a goodnight.

I walk the long path back smiling. I broke past the wall. I realize I'm falling for him, and falling fast. I'm going to have to stop myself, better to have friends than ruin the dynamic he's got going on with Sarah and Trent. Friendzoning begins tomorrow... maybe.


The next morning I wake up to hearing a child giggling downstairs. Sarah must be home a day early. I rush down the stairs, excited for my housemates to be back. Instead I see Johnny flipping pancakes at the stove, and a small female spitting image of him giggling at his failed attempt at a heart pancake.

When she notices me she waves, and smiles a beautiful smile. I hold my finger up, signaling for her to be quiet. She nods and giggles once more. I hurry and sneak up behind Johnny and smack him in the bare back with a dish towel. He acts hurt, obviously laying on the drama for Valentina's amusement.

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