Nights Spent in a Corn Field

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I scrubbed my body, especially my wounds. The last thing I want is an infection. It's bad enough my shirt was ruined. I got out just before Sarah yells up that dinner is done.

I put on some volleyball shorts, and a work out tank before heading down for dinner. I'm starving, and it's my lucky night because she made enchiladas. I'm smiling until I see his face across from my seat at the table.

I immediately grimace. "Sarah, I'm gonna go for a run, I'll eat when I get back." Her smile drops, and I feel bad, but I don't feel like dealing with Johnny.

I put on my nikes, and out the door I go. I run down the long driveway, past the ranch, all the way to the neighbors house. I turn around at their mailbox, and jog back to the porch. In total I ran 3 miles. Not bad, considering I haven't ran like that since track in high school.

When I walk back in the house I realize it's after the kid's bedtime. Sarah is busy putting the kids down, so I'll eat by myself. I make my plate and head to the table. To my dismay, Johnny is sitting there, his food untouched. He's smiling and motions for me to sit. I sit after kicking the chair back with my foot. I'm trying to convey that I'm in a bitchy mood, and am not thrilled to have to see him.

"I didn't want you to be lonely when you ate. I thought I'd wait." A devious grin plays on his beautiful lips. "What made you think I'd want company, especially yours?" He laughs a true laugh. "Well sweetheart, I'm here whether you like it or not." I don't look at him, I start eating. Unlike most women who try and act all delicate, and ladylike while eating around men, I don't. I shovel it in, and wash it down with a beer. I let out a burp, immediately longing for the days when Hunter would fist bump me for achieving such loud belches.

"I'm impressed. Most women wouldn't dare to belch in front of company." I smirk. "I'm not most women. I thought you'd have already figured that out. And you're not my company." I stand up to bring my empty plate and bottle out to the kitchen. He follows. I turn around after washing my plate to be face to face with him. Why is he so close? He whispers in my ear, "I want to show you something. Do you trust me?" I laugh. What kind of drugs is he on? He covers my mouth, not being delicate by any means. I can feel the calluses on his hands on my lips. I punch him in the gut. Hearing his grunt in pain causes me to smile with satisfaction.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I scream at him. He laughs and points to the clock. It's 9:45, Sarah is asleep. He comes back over to me. "Come with me." He grabs my hand and drags me out to his truck.

"So, if you're gonna kidnap me, can I at least know where we're goin?" He looks over at me, and smiles his sly smile. "It's a secret. I think you'll like it though. Just bear with me. Yeah?" I nod, giving in.

I can't handle the silence so I turn the radio on, and am immediately met with 2pac. Old school, I like it. I turn it up and start rapping along. He just looks over at me, and stares. "Who the hell are you?" He laughs and turns it up.

We pull up to an empty field. I look over an roll my eyes. "An empty field? Are you 15 and trying to cop a feel? I thought you were making up for being a douche since my arrival!" He actually giggles. "Honey, I wouldn't try to cop a feel, especially if it involves you. You're a bitch, and I'm not partial to female dogs. Yes, I'm trying to make up for being a douche, but you're making it hard to have remorse." I drop my jaw, and punch him in the arm playfully. I like someone who can dish it back out at me.

He hops out of his truck and comes and opens my door. "Follow me." I smile, ghetto boy has manners. He tugs at my hand and pulls me through rows of corn. Eventually I hear the music and people. What is this?

"Veronica, welcome to the only thing young adults in the town do." He raises his arms and gestures to the drunk people having fun around the huge bonfire. It's amazing. He grabs my hand again and brings me over to where the keg is. "Beer?" I nod. He grabs a water from a cooler. "You're not gonna drink?" He shakes his head. "I'm you're chauffeur for the night. Precious cargo." I playfully hit him.

He introduces me to a couple of people as we walk past them. He brings me to where there's not a lot of people, and we start dancing. For the first time in months, I'm truly having fun. His Latin roots show through in his dancing. I keep up though, prompting him to smile and laugh. "White girl, got moves." I laugh, and grind up against him.

When it's midnight, we head back to the truck. "Mosquitoes get ya? I probably should have told ya to change." I laugh and scratch at a few of them. "Thank you for tonight. I needed this." He smiles and pats my knee before he drives us home.

When we pull up to Sarah's, he motions for me to be quiet. He opens my door once again, and motions for me to follow him once again. He leads me to a willow tree in the back yard. It has a wooden swing hanging from a branch. He pats the seat. I sit and he immediately starts pushing me. I smile as I swing through the willow branches.

After a while we stop and just sit and look at the stars. I break the silence, "Sarah told me you can be an ass, and I have assessed that. So why are you being nice now?" He looks at the stars before answering. "I used to be a huge asshole when I was younger, and I've tried to stop, but old habits die hard." He laughs uneasily before going on. "Before I lived here, I wasn't a good person. I'm trying to change that. And when I said that earlier, I swear I didn't know you were tore up. So I wanted to make up for it." We go back to silence.

I must have dozed off because when I stir I realize I'm in his arms. "Johnny?" He shushes me. And I immediately fall back asleep.


I wake up to itching at the bug bites I got from the night before. I smile thinking about how I got them. Who knew? Bonfires in the middle of corn fields were where the party's at.

I get up and shower, washing the alcohol and dirt off me. I get out and put on jean shorts and a white T-shirt. I'm ready to go back to working at the ranch. I bound downstairs to the smell of eggs.

"Morning!" Sarah smiles a mischievous smile. "Mornin!" I return her exuberance. She totally knows about last night.

I hurry and eat my eggs before heading to the barn. I make the short journey down the beautiful driveway. The sun is making it feel like a million degrees.

I woke up early enough to beat Johnny to work. I immediately get to shoveling. Johnny walks in and goes to grab the pitch fork, when he realizes it's gone. He comes down to the stall I'm currently working on. "Mornin." I smirk. "Morning."

I finish up the horses and move onto the goats, praying that they are all in their pens. Thankfully they are. I scoop and shovel, the sun beating down on my back. I wipe my forehead of the beads of sweat.

I head back to Johnny once I'm finished, to see what else needs done. He smiles when he sees me. "Done already?" I nod. "Good, its time for a break." He starts running down a little path near the pastures. I keep pace and follow. We found a corner and I'm in shock when he jumps in a swampy little pond. He comes up laughing. "You scared?" I point at myself, and laugh boastfully. "Me? Nah. But I'm not ruining my white T-shirt. I toss it on the ground and jump in.

I come up laughing. His jaw is still dropped. "Close your mouth Johnny boy. You're bound to swallow a mosquito." He laughs, and gets a mischievous grin. I know what he's about to do. I start swimming as fast as I can, but I'm no match. He dunks me under. I come up sputtering. I splash him, and jump on him trying to dunk him.

When a blue car with dark tinted windows shows up, everything takes a solemn turn. I immediately get out and put my shirt on. Johnny stops me from approaching the car. "Go into the barn now. Don't come out until I come get you." I give him a look but nod. I know him for like a day, and he's already trying to give me orders. The look on his face as he approaches the car lets me know it's something serious.

What has this boy gotten himself into?

A/N: I'm really trying to make the chapters longer. I hope y'all liked it!!!! Vote and comment!❤️

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