2. Reading Strategies

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Everyone has to read out of a textbook ever once in awhile and everyone knows how boring it can be. But here are reading strategies to help you learn and remember information better.

1. SQR3- Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review

2. Take short breaks (5-10 minutes)

3. Choose a time of day when you are most awake.

4. Read out loud.

5. Limit distractions.

6. Taking notes from a speaker- Put stars or circle anything the teacher writes or points to on the board. It is usually important. Make sure to note the speakers gestures and changes of tone.

There it is! Here it is explained.

1. SQR3. When you open your textbook to read a chapter, use the SQR3 method. Survey, what do you notice about the chapter by surveying it now? Are the any pictures? Underlined or bolder words? Extra textboxes? Make note. Question, What questions do you have about the subject before you read the chapter? Read, Read the chapter! Have you found the answers to your questions yet? Recite, What key concepts or terms did you notice? Anything that struck you as especially important? Review, Do you feel like there is anything you still don't understand about the chapter? Answer any questions the teacher gave you. Take your notes.

2. Taking short breaks helps you stay alert. Just make sure it's not a ten minute break for five minutes of studying. Study for twenty or thirty minutes before you take a break. Or take a break whenever you're stuck.

3. Choose a time of day when you're most awake. Don't study right when you wake up or right before you go to bed.

4. Read out loud. It helps to concentrate and keep you from skimming.

5. Limit distractions. If your sibling is yelling and the dog is barking and your parent is making dinner. Don't study next to the kitchen. Study in your room behind a closed door.

6. If you are listening to your teachers lecture and she says to pay attention! This will be on the test! Pay attention, pull out your notebook and pencil, and getting read to start taking notes. You will probably have to write fast and sloppy and that's okay. Just make sure YOU can read it. If the teaches points to anything or writes anything, star it! It will probably be on the test! You don't have to star it, but mark it! Star it, circle it, underline it, box it separate, point and arrow at it! Watch your teacher and note any gestures, body language, or tone of voice, the can be important!

It is super easy to faze out when reading long boring textbooks. Unfortunately, it does no good in helping you accually learn the material. Try these tips and tricks next time the books bore you!

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