5. Goals

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Meeting goals can be hard, but having a goal is useful and good motivation. Here are tips on how to make the right kind of goals and how to achieve those goals.

1. When writing goals, use RUST- Realistic, Specific, Under your control, Timeline.

2. Make a POA (plan of action). E.g. Goal: I will score at least an 80% on my next history test. POA: I will study my notes and textbook for ten minutes everyday until the test.

3. Make a calendar of due dates.

4. If you don't meet your goals, you should revise your goal and/or adjust you plan of action.

5. The difference between a short term goal and a long term goal: Short term is within a year, long term is after a year.

6. People who set goals regularly have been shown to do better on tests compared to other students, have less stressful lives, and are happier in life.

Less stress you say? I'm all for that! You can never have too little stress and not enough happiness! Here are the points explained in more detail-

1. RUST- Realistic: goals must be realistic, don't make a goal that is not realistic. E.g. I will become the U.S. president when I'm twenty-eight years old. That is impossible, you have to be thirty-five or older to be president. Under Your Control: goals must be under your control, don't make a goal like this- I will have my friends over to my house every day. That is not under your control, if your parent says no, then you can't do it. Specific: goals must be specific, no goals like this- I will improve my studying. That is not specific, how soon will you improve your studying? How much will you improve it? Timeline: goals must have a timeline, don't make goals like this- I will finish my chores. When will you finish your chores?

2. A plan of action helps you accomplish your goals. It helps make sure they don't just sit there, or you forget them.

3. Make a calendar of due dates, it helps you remember.

4. If you don't meet your goal, try again! Revise the goal or plan of action and try again next time.  Don't let one missed goal get you down. Try setting smaller goals with in the big one. Give yourself a reward each time you meet one of your small goals

5. A year may seem like a long time, but in the general scheme of things, it is short. Make your short term goals fit in a year and your long term goals are anything outside of a year.

6. I don't need to explain this.

Another acronym for goals is SMART- Specific, Mesurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.

Another acronym for goals is SMART- Specific, Mesurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely

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There it is, everything I know about goals, making them, and achieving them.

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