Chapter Eleven: The Base Underground

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After escaping the attack on Earth. Sam his fellow Wagon passengers were waiting inside of a dark room. This was due to the fact that the jump gate they arrived in had not yet opened.

The interior of this jump gates box seemed very different from what Sam and the others had seen before.

"Is that titanium?" Rufus asked as the interior of the box looked military class in design.

"Where are we?" June yelled.

"It sure stinks in here!" Kenneth commented.

This was when the box opened to reveal a much larger room that was lit by rotating red lights. Their arrival had caused the trigger of an alarm. Angry men came pointing flashlights into the car and shouted at them not to move. Sam was the only one with the ability to see through the dark, He watched as they were surrounded by military men with large rifles pointing the flashlights at them.

"I'm Sergeant Holland the commanding officer here. Now I want the occupants of the vehicle to come out of the car slowly with hands up. Starting with the one on the front right," A calm but commanding voice was heard with a speaker phone.

"I guess that's me first, oh man," Reegan said nervously and looked to Andrew. "Do as they say," Andrew told him so Reegan slowly opened the door and he exited the vehicle with his hands raised.

"What is this creature?" One of the men shouted. "Stay silent men!" Sergeant Holland commanded.

"What is your name? What are you?" He asked.

Reegan looked very odd to the military men which made them nervous. They had never heard of Reegan or seen one of his kind before.

"Guys I'm Reegan, you've never heard of me? I'm a Yulan. I have ID. Guys don't shoot!" Reegan offered to show them his Identification.

"I never heard of a Yulan before. Keep those hands up!" Sergeant Holland told him. June was still frightened by what had happened at the campsite and watched how they were treating Reegan with great concern.

"They won't hurt Mr. Reegan will they?" she asked but Rufus placed his hands over her eyes." Alright next passenger out front center!" Sergeant Holland commanded. Toido stepped out with his hands up.

"This ones even stranger what is this a robot?" one of the men said and the other men appeared shocked and ready to open fire.

"Are we under attack?" Another one of the men asked. Sergeant Holland gave his men the hand signal to hold. "Alright who is in charge here? Driver step out now!" Sergeant Holland commanded.

Andrew slowly opened the door and walked out with his arms raised. The men all gasped and Sergeant Holland's mouth dropped wide open. "Sergeant Gusterson you've returned. Men drop your guns!" Sergeant Holland commanded his men and they dropped their guns allowing the rest of the passengers out of the car. Andrew had a confident look on his face when he replied to Sergeant Holland "It is Admiral Gusterson now!" as he pointed to the badge on his uniform.

Much of the room was still dark with sirens still sounding and red lights twirling about the room showing the base was still on alert due to the unexpected arrival. Sergeant Holland signaled the all clear and the lights turned on making the room only slightly less dark.

It was clear that Sergeant Holland and his men had much catching up to do with Admiral Gusterson. They had many questions as to why he had not come back to the base in over twelve years and why he was travelling with the strange people and children. This was when the stench that Kenneth had commented on earlier grew more pungent. A voice was heard but not in the open and not by means of hearing with auditory senses. 

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