Chapter 12

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6 Years Earlier

"Where do you think you're going in that?!"My mother screeched, her hands planted defiantly on her hips. I cast my gaze downward, taking in my second-hand runners, the black leggings I had acquired from the op shop, and my cherished flannel shirt.

"I'm going to school mum." I said, shrugging my worn-out backpack into place. The weight of unfinished homework from last night made it feel even heavier, a constant reminder of the tasks awaiting me.

"Go back in your room and change. You are not wearing that. You look like a cheap hooker." She gave me a disgusted once-over, her face contorting with disdain as her eyes roamed over my outfit.

"What's wrong with it? I'm all covered up... and what's a hooker?" I asked, genuine confusion evident in my voice. I truly had no idea what she was talking about.

"Those leggings are too tight and show off every single curve in your body. It's basically inviting someone to come and rape you. And that shirt! Your breasts are practically popping out of it! Go and change NOW!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, sending shivers down my spine. She scared me more than I dared to show.

"But, I don't have anything else that fits anymore mum. I've grown a lot in the last 6 months." I tried to sound confident, but my words faltered, betraying my uncertainty. In an instant, she snatched her keys off the bench and grabbed my arm, her actions swift and forceful.

"Well we're going to the church donation bin now to get you bigger clothes. I will not have MY daughter dressing like a hussy!" Fuming with anger, she yanked me towards the front door, her grip firm and determined.

I was counting down the days until I could freely choose whatever outfit I wanted from my own closet and strut out in style. Sadly, it seemed like that day was nowhere in sight.


"Come out, Quinn, I'm sure you look absolutely amazing," Lexi coaxed me, her voice filled with encouragement. I had locked myself in the bathroom for a solid 45 minutes, too afraid to step foot into the living room.

"Lex, I feel like I'm trying too hard. I don't want to attract too much attention," I called back from behind the bathroom door.

"I hate to burst your bubble, babe, but we're heading to a club where all eyes will be on you. Remember, you're performing," she chuckled, lightening the mood. I sighed and straightened my long-sleeved cami underneath the plunging corset style top. It was so low-cut that wearing a normal bra was out of the question.  I looked into my smokey, made-up eyes, urging myself to find the courage and step out of the bathroom.

I unlocked the door and lightly crept out into the living room where Lexi was sitting on the edge of the couch waiting for me patiently. She was texting on her phone while bobbing her leg up and down nervously.

With a slight hesitance, I unlocked the door and cautiously emerged into the living room. Lexi was perched on the edge of the couch, patiently waiting for me. She was engrossed in her phone, nervously tapping her leg.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Lex. I finally grew a pair," I said, extending my arms for her to inspect. Her jaw dropped, and her phone slipped from her grasp. She gestured for me to do a little spin, making a circle with her finger. My hair was styled in a side plait, with strands of light and dark blonde intertwining.

Lexi adjusted her bright yellow bodycon dress, rising from the couch to give me a tight hug. Normally, I wasn't one for physical contact, but receiving a hug from Lexi, someone who understood me better than most, felt different. It was like having a caring sister by my side. The last time I received a hug was from my fourth-grade teacher after being tossed into a trash bin by a towering sixth-grader.
"Quinn bee, you're hotter than Satan's ass crack right now!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.
"Yeah, that doesn't sound too pleasant, Lex," I laughed, adjusting my shorts to cover more of my thighs.
"Okay, let's just say you're sei così eccitantaytay, mami," she fanned herself enthusiastically.
"Do you even speak Italian, Lex?" I asked, trying to suppress my laughter.
"As a matter of fact, yes. I was top of the class in high school," she said, brushing off non-existent dust from her shoulder.
"Uh-huh, well, the correct phrase is 'sei così eccitante,' not 'sei così eccitantaytay,' Miss A+." She paused and placed a finger on my lips.
"Shhh, don't ruin my moment, walking thesaurus. Let me just make sure everything's covered," she said, circling around me, knowing exactly what I wanted to conceal.
"My parents would never approve of this," I giggled, feeling a hint of nervousness.

A knock on the door startled both of us, causing us to jump.

"Maybe it's a serial killer, Lex. Maybe we shouldn't open it," I joked, attempting to stall for as long as possible.
"Shit! Your gloves, Quinn! Quick, go grab them!" We scurried around each other, uncertain of which way to go. I hurriedly entered my bedroom, shutting the door behind me as I heard Lexi greet the guys. Frantically, I flung clothes in every direction, desperately searching for my gloves. It seemed like a bomb had detonated in my room before I finally spotted my neatly folded gloves sitting on the bedside table.

Of course, they magically appear after I've turned my room upside down.

"Quinn, you ready?" Lexi knocked on my door.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a sec," I replied, sliding my gloves on finger by finger, trying to steady my trembling hands. For a regular night out, this strangely felt like a date.
"...and then I told him, go and get..." Lexi was rambling as I emerged from the bedroom, and everyone fell silent.
"Whoa," Mason breathed, his eyes traveling over my body, a small smile tugging at his lips. My cheeks flushed, and I pressed my cold fingers against them, hoping to quell the burning sensation.
"I can see you girls had a blast while we were slaving away in class," Zach laughed, planting a kiss on Lexi's lips and giving her butt a playful slap. She squealed in response, wiping off the lipstick from his mouth.
"You look absolutely... stunning," Mason said, a slight furrow appearing on his forehead. His comment caught me off guard. Did he genuinely think I looked beautiful, or was he trying to be polite while hiding his true feelings? He was the most perplexing guy I had ever encountered. Then again, my experience with deciphering guys was quite limited.

While Lexi hurriedly prepared her handbag, Mason and I stood side by side at the counter. He wore ripped jeans that hung low on his hips. His arms and chest were hugged tightly by a white Bonds shirt. I had to exert all my willpower to keep my eyes from wandering. His hair was spiked in a carefree manner, drawing attention to his mesmerizing blue eyes. Without a doubt, he was the most physically attractive guy I had ever laid eyes on.

"Let's hit the road, ladies. We have an epic night ahead," Zach declared, scooping Lexi up in his arms and tossing her over his shoulder. After locking up, we strolled down the dormitory hallway. I was nervous but also excited for the night ahead. It felt like the first time, since I was fifteen, that I had more than one friend.

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