Chapter 17

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[Okay guys, MASSIVE warning for this chapter. It contains some graphic scenes. Don't read if you're triggered by abuse. I wanted to write about this subject to bring light to these issues. All characters are fictional.]

I pulled my arm forcefully from Chris' grasp, crossing them over my chest as the rain drenched my clothes.

"What's the hurry, sexy?" Chris reached for my hand, attempting to slide his fingers underneath the sleeve of my shirt. I jerked away, a frown etching across my face. 

That's not how a boss should speak to an employee. But then again, who parties with their employees? I'm such an idiot!

"I don't want to be here anymore. I want to find my friends. That's why I'm in a hurry," I replied, my voice raised, as I wiped the rain from my eyes. Dizziness washed over me, and the swaying trees intensified.

"Okay, calm down, precious." Chris raised his hands, feigning innocence. His unsettling gaze roamed hungrily over my body, his dilated pupils causing a chill to run down my spine.

He reached for the belt loop on my jeans, and I seized the opportunity. I swiftly kneed him in the groin and delivered an elbow to the back of his head. Thank the heavens for Lexi's self-defence lecture! Chris fell to the ground, gasping for air, his hands and knees on the gravel. Taking advantage of his incapacitation, I sprinted back down the driveway, darting through short hedges that scraped against my arms. The rain made the ground slippery, making it difficult to maintain traction. As I reached the spot where my friends were engaged in the keg stand competition, I slowed down, scanning the area. They were nowhere in sight, and my heart raced even faster. Maybe they've tried to call me. I retrieved my phone from my pocket and discovered no missed calls or texts.

Maybe someone nearby can help me? No... what if they're with Chris? They'll just lead me straight back to him. I can only trust my friends.

I strained to hear any sign of Chris's presence but detected nothing in the distance. However, I didn't want to take any chances of him catching up to me, so I began jogging toward the car, hoping it was parked far enough to discourage him from searching for me.

I'll wait for them there. They have to show up sooner or later. Slowing my pace to a walk along the path, I held up my phone, searching for a signal to call Lexi. Fortunately, she had convinced me to get the waterproof model. I reminded myself to thank her if I ever found my way back to them. The farther down the driveway I went, the darker it became. I switched on my phone's flashlight, using it to guide me back to the car and prevent any accidental trips or falls. My head spun relentlessly, forcing me to sit on a rock and massage my temples. My eyes pleaded to shut, but I willed them open so I could try to compose a message once I found a signal.

My vision blurred, transforming the phone screen into a kaleidoscope of colors. The messaging app appeared green, so I squinted hard, attempting to locate it. I tapped once but missed the mark completely.

There was definitely something in my drink. I've never felt like this before.

Rubbing the area between my brows, I tried tapping the screen again. I think that's the notepad. I scrunched my nose, struggling to focus my eyes. It would have to do for now until my head cleared up, allowing me to copy and paste the message later.

"There you are, you sneaky little bitch!" Chris' voice echoed from up the driveway. Instinct screamed at me to run, so that's precisely what I did. I fell to my knees in the process of standing up from the rock, but I quickly regained my footing and shone the light ahead, stumbling along. It didn't take long for Chris to catch up to me. He gripped my hips, pulling me back against him, and then he sniffed my hair. I squirmed, desperate to break free, but his arms constricted around my stomach as he pressed himself against me.

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