Chapter 38

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"I better go before anyone sees me coming out of your room. I don't want Lexi thinking I defiled you or something." Mason said, his face lighting up with an evil grin.
"Oh my god, you seriously have no filter, do you?" I gaped, unable to suppress my amusement. This playful side of Mason was something I adored, right alongside the passionate version of him that had barged into my room last night. Greedy Mason and Playful Mason were neck and neck for my favourite versions of him.
"I have a filter, just not when I'm around you," he replied, his hands skimming the curve of my hips as he slowly walked backward toward the door, pulling me along with him.
"I'm not usually into the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing, so I'm not great at this stuff... but I do know how to treat a lady like a gentleman. So, I'm going to walk out of this room without doing anything, because I respect you and..." His words trailed off, and he nervously bit his bottom lip.

While I appreciated his respect for my boundaries, especially after our conversation about physical boundaries back at the campus gym, which now felt like ages ago, I couldn't ignore the overwhelming need to feel his lips on mine one last time before he left.

His eyes burned with desire, piercing through me. I gently tugged at his shirt, hoping he'd catch my subtle hint.

"Fuck being gentlemanly." he rasped, lifting me up and guiding my legs to wrap around his waist once again. Our lips and tongues moved in perfect harmony as we surrendered to the intoxicating pull between us.

Wait, did he have a tongue ring? How did I miss that before?

The cool, hard metal of his tongue bar sent shivers down my spine, and a soft moan escaped my lips as we collapsed onto the bed, consumed by our shared craving.

His lips trailed a path of kisses from the base of my neck up to my ear, sending goosebumps skittering along my skin.

"M-Mason... I..." I struggled to catch my breath, my pants coming out in short gasps. I had never desired anyone as intensely as I desired him in that moment. But despite the sweet ache pulsating between my legs, I wasn't ready to surrender myself completely. Amidst the haze of desire, my rational mind fought to maintain some semblance of self-control.

As if sensing my internal struggle, he slowly climbed off the bed and retreated toward the wall, creating a much-needed distance between us.

"Fuck Quinn... I ... I'm sorry. I just can't control myself around you... you're just so... god dammit..." He tugged at his hair in frustration, his exasperation evident. I approached him, keeping a slight distance between us.

"Mase, I..." I began, my voice trailing off as I cast my gaze downward, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me.
"I want you. Believe me, I do... I just don't want to..." I hesitated, unable to find the right words to express my apprehension. Recognition dawned on his face as he realized the unspoken sentiment behind my unfinished sentence.

"Oh," he breathed out, a soft laughter escaping him. "So I didn't do anything... wrong?" I vigorously shook my head in response. As memories flooded my mind of the last time we were this close, thoughts of Chris's after-party with Mason and I in the back seat surged through me. It hit me like a bolt of lightning. Mason's concern was because he didn't want to put any pressure on me.

"No, not at all! I mean, I'm not exactly a virgin, but I'm not exactly an expert either. I want to be able to take our time and not feel rushed before uni or work to... you know," I managed to say, my cheeks flushing with a mix of bashfulness and desire.

"Have sex?" he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I could feel the weight of my embarrassment plastered across my face.

"Yeah, that," I replied, attempting to stifle a giggle that threatened to bubble up. Mason's laughter filled the room, its warmth seeping into my soul.

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