Chapter 48

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It had been four long hours since Quinn had gone into surgery to remove her left fallopian tube and ovary. I decided to stay at the hospital, just in case she came out of the operating theatre earlier than expected. Before the procedure, her regular doctor, John, walked us through the details. He explained that they would remove the tumour and surrounding tissue but leave the uterus and right side intact, giving her a chance to try for children in the future.

"Due to the chemotherapy you had at 17, your chances of conceiving have already been reduced by 50%. Removing one Fallopian tube and ovary will decrease that chance by another 25%, leaving you with only a 25% chance of getting pregnant if you decide to try," John explained to Quinn. He expressed his concerns about leaving half of her reproductive organs in, given the slim odds of future pregnancy. I never cared much for kids, but in that moment, my heart broke a little for her. I could see a flicker of disappointment cross her face, but it vanished quickly as she straightened up.

"John, I appreciate your concern, but even if you told me I had a 0% chance of getting pregnant, I would still want to try when the time is right. I believe that anything is possible," Quinn replied, her face showing determination as she signed the forms.

The idea of having children had never really crossed my mind until Quinn's illness. It forced me to think about it because I wanted to be the only one by her side, from now until we grew old together. If it were anyone else, I might have panicked and run out of the hospital, stressing over the thought of raising a mini-me. She didn't ask for my opinion on the matter, but I could tell by the way she watched me for a reaction in the doctor's office that she wanted children to be a part of her future. That conversation could wait for another day; life was already weighing heavily on us.

I hadn't realized I was dozing off until someone patted me on the shoulder. Startled, I jerked awake and wiped the drool from my mouth.
"She's out of surgery and in recovery. If you want to see her, she's still groggy from the anaesthesia, but she's doing fine," the doctor said, tucking his face mask into the front pocket of his blue scrubs. I stood up, stretching my back from side to side, trying to regain feeling in my ass.

"It looks like we were able to remove it all, but we'll need to follow up with a tissue sample in a few weeks, just to be sure," he informed me, maintaining eye contact.
"What happens if there's still more?" I asked cautiously. The doctor pursed his lips to one side and tilted his head slightly.
"Well, then we would have to remove all of her reproductive organs and proceed with rounds of chemotherapy. But let's not cross that bridge until we get to it. She's a tough one. I'm sure she'll be fine," he said, giving my shoulder a reassuring pat and a smile before leading me to the recovery room.

I peeked inside the door and saw her nestled under the hospital blankets.
"Hey, AmicaMea," I whispered, hoping not to wake her if she was asleep. I saw a warm smile forming on her lips, so I quietly entered and sat beside her bed.
"Hey, you," she croaked weakly. Her voice sounded hoarse, as if her throat was sore. I gently placed my hand on her throat, softly caressing it.
"How are you feeling? You sound sore. Is there anything I can do?" I tried to slow down my speech, aware that I was talking a mile a minute. She simply shook her head, and her eyes fluttered open. I had never been so grateful to see her ocean green eyes focused on me.
"I'm good. I woke up while they were still removing the tube from my throat. That was a fun experience," she chuckled weakly, placing her hand over mine. I winced at the thought. It sounded like something out of a nightmarish scenario, the kind where you try to wake yourself up.


"I know what you can do for me... you can go home and get some rest. I'm gonna be sleeping all day from what it feels like. I can text you when I'm awake if you want." I said, running my hand through his hair since he was practically almost face down on the bed, looking exhausted. I could tell just by his posture that the stress had made him more tired than usual. He started to groan in protest, but I put my hand over his mouth and shushed him.

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