you are SCP-1471. you were captured by the SCP Foundation who experiment and test on you but there is one scientist who feels remorse for all SCP he has tested on. He tells you about another SCP who he calls Kato he tells you that you will be doing...
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class: Euclid
Gender: male
SCP-k07a (aka Kota)
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Class: Euclid
Gender: female
SCP-K07o and SCP-K07a are hard to separate it's almost like they are brother and sister
SCP-1471 (aka y/n)
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Class: Euclid
Gender: female
Dr.Jack bright
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Security Clearance Level: Level █
Gender: Male
(That's all the introductions out of the way and before I forget I do not own SCP Containment Breach or any of its characters let me know if you want any other character from SCP added in the comments. this is your friendly neighborhood ghoul Kato signing off till next time peace.)