Chapter 6: A Rough Night

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The past few days went on as normal. They got up Kato made breakfast then they sat around for a while took a nap then Kato cooks dinner and they go to bed after. but what's not so normal is when it hits night time and they fall asleep (Y/n) gets woke up in the middle of the night to Kato screaming in his sleep.

As (Y/n) wakes up she hears Kato screaming then starts to shake him awake. He wakes up and immediately hugs (Y/n) crying.

(Y/n):¨Kato are you okay?¨ she says trying to comfort him.

Kato shakes his head crying more.

(Y/n):¨You wanna tell me what's wrong?¨

Kato:¨I-its the nightmares they are getting worse i-its almost like I can feel the pain again.¨ He said trembling.

(Y/n) holds Kato tighter then kisses his forehead.

(Y/n):¨Its okay calm down don't worry I'm here I won't let anything else happen to you I promise.¨ she says with him still in her arms.

with that said she lays back down pulling Kato down with her and pulling him close soon after (Y/n) falls asleep but Kato stays awake waiting for morning to hit. He lays there for a few hours then falls asleep again.

[inside Kato's dream]

Kato:¨(Y/n) WATCH OUT!!!!¨

he yells at her but it was too late she was struck down and killed then the killer comes after Kato pinning him down and slitting his throat. Kato tries to make out words but its all just a gargled mess while he's choking on his own blood.

[end of the dream]

Kato jumps up out of dead sleep panting and gasping. he starts to look around and notices its morning. He tries to get up to make (Y/n) breakfast but can't move because she is holding him down in her sleep. He sighs in defeat and lays back down. not soon after he falls back asleep. he wakes up a couple hours later not from a nightmare, in fact, he didn't have a nightmare for once. from then on the days and nights went on the same with each night Kato falls asleep in (Y/n) arms and doesn't wake up with nightmares.

(that's the end of this chapter I hope everyone enjoyed it ill have next chapter posted some time soon till then this is Kato signing off, cya.)

(OC) SCP-k07o(aka Kato) x female SCP-1471 readerWhere stories live. Discover now