Chapter 1: Prologue

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After another long day of testing y/n just wanted to be left alone. she got back to her holding cell ready to be alone when all of a sudden the scientist that keeps testing on her walks up to the holding cell and starts to speak to her.

Dr.Bright:¨Scp-1471 I'm here to apologize for the testing if I had a choice I wouldn't do it.¨

y/n:¨Is that all you came here to do apologize?¨

Dr.Bright:¨Sadly no it isn't I came to tell you about tomorrows testing.¨

y/n:*sighs* ¨What about it?¨

Dr.Bright:¨W-well you'll be put in a room alone with two other Scps I was hoping you could play nice with them, please?¨

y/n:¨and why should I listen to you?¨

Dr.Bright:¨because if they get hurt while I'm doing the test I'll feel bad because I take care of them as if they were my own children.¨

all of a sudden the intercom goes off ¨Dr.Bright please report to Scp-k07o and Scp-k07a's holding cell immediately.¨

with that said he took off sprinting to the holding cell.

y/n:¨hmm that's really curious I wonder what happened?¨

y/n then sits on the floor of the holding cell thinking.

Dr.Brights POV.

I finally arrive at Kato and Kotas holding cell to find Kato lashing out I run up to one of the assault team members and ask what's going on.

Dr.bright:¨whats going on with Scp-k07o? why is he lashing out?¨

assault team member A:¨We told him Scp-k07a had died during testing and he started trying to attack.¨

I was surprised to hear that Kota had died during the testing after a moment of thinking I came up with an idea.

Dr.Bright:¨I have an idea to calm him down I have to get close to him though and you'll have to stay put no matter what.¨

with that said I try to get close to Kato surprisingly it worked I got close to him and embraced him trying to comfort him.

Dr.Bright:¨Kato, please calm down they should have let me do the testing instead of Dr.harp.¨

kato started crying then one of the assault team units shot him with a tranquilizer dart which made Kato pass out.


y/n was still just sitting on the floor thinking when all of a sudden the scientist came back with a sad expression on his face.

Dr.bright:¨there has been a change in tomorrows testing it will only be Scp-k07o in the cell with you.¨

y/n:¨What happened to the other one?¨

Dr.Bright:¨ Scp-k07a is deceased as of an hour ago.¨

Dr.Bright looks down about to cry then another scientist comes and replaces him.

(wow, my head hurts after writing this Jesus Christ I was typing at the speed of light XD. well anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter its kinda short because its like 3 in the morning so this is your friendly neighborhood ghoul Kato signing off till next time peace.)

(458 words)

(OC) SCP-k07o(aka Kato) x female SCP-1471 readerWhere stories live. Discover now