Chapter 5: The Journey Continues

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[(Y/n) POV]

It seems Kato has made a full recovery in two almost three weeks time. He had me worried a few times that he wouldn't make it. I didn't leave his side the whole time there is just something about him I can't really explain it I get a funny feeling when I'm around him I've thought about telling him but just can't bring myself to do it. I'll try it again today and see what he says.

[end of (Y/n) POV]

(Y/n) goes to where Kato last was to find him gone she then smells a weird smell coming from the kitchen and goes to it. when she gets there she finds Kato cooking something.

(Y/n):¨Kato I never knew you can cook.¨

as she says this it startles Kato making him jump a little.

Kato:¨Y-yeah it just sorta comes naturally I guess.¨ he says blushing a bit.

(Y/n) notices Kato blushing and starts blushing a little herself.

(Y/n):¨ H-hey Kato can I tell you something?¨ she says getting a little flustered.

Kato:¨Yes (Y/n) what is it?¨ he says oblivious to (Y/n) getting flustered.

(Y/n):¨I-i think I l-like you because every time I'm around you I get a funny feeling I don't really know how else to explain it.¨ she said blushing as red as a tomato.

Kato then turns around blushing slightly at the sight of (Y/n) blushing thinking to himself that she looks really cute while blushing like that.

Kato:¨I feel the same way I just haven't been able to tell you.¨ he said blushing just as red as (Y/n) is.

(Y/n) still blushing started to smile a little bit then ran up and hugged Kato.

(Y/n):¨Kato I want you to be mine will you do that for me?¨

Kato:¨Yes I will be yours and yours alone.¨ he said smiling and hugged her back.

with that said Kato finished cooking then set a plate in front of (Y/n). She started to eat then after she was done she put her plate with Katos then kissed him on the cheek making him blush.

(that's the end of this chapter I didn't really know how to make the reader and Kato express their love for each other. and before I get questions Kato is my OC for Scp. this is Kato signing off till next chapter. cya then!!!)

(OC) SCP-k07o(aka Kato) x female SCP-1471 readerWhere stories live. Discover now