1. Not Red

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It's finally come. The day I die.

-- Reyna Meyers -- Dayton, Surface -- 2015 --

The sky seemed to have taken on a shade of light crimson, its faint rays marking my eighth consecutive day on the surface.

Ugh. This hurts.

It was all bathed in red, from the remnants of buildings that had fallen over decades ago in the great war, to the thick foliage that glistened with life even amidst this dreadful city that wailed of death. The colour was everywhere, dancing off the tiny drops of dew, peeking from the walls that had been powdered from gunfire.

Lingering on my clothes that were smeared in blood.

It burned.

Who is it?

From what was left of my vision, I spotted a burly frame closing in on my face. A grainy wave of numbness washed over my skin as he touched my cheek.

Mom, Ryan.

"Rey, can you hear me?"

Looks like I'm coming home.

"Reyna?" the husky voice echoed.

Is that - Oh, Carl.

"You look like shit girl. Here, have this," said Carl, holding out a piece of meat that had been burnt to a crisp.

I tore the meal from his hand, gulping it down after a couple of bites. It tasted awful. And yet a wave of relief spread through my veins, the feeling of numbness going down by a smidge as something solid finally hit my stomach after two days.

Where did he get this?

"I thought the supplies were over," I asked, trying my best to sit upright against the fallen debris.

"This is....... Michael's."

"He's got a fucking fever Carl!"

"Reyna... Mike..."

"Why the hell did you give this to me!"

"Michael's not sick anymore."

What does he mean he's not sick anym- wait.


No, no, He's okay now.

Must be alright by now. They must've found medicine! I knew there was a pharmacy nearb-

"We had to do it."


"He was taking up too much of our meds Rey. We had to do something-"


"Rey I-"

"Did you, kill him?" I asked as calmly as I could. I was never that close to Michael. But he was a good guy, barely a few years older than me.

"I had to."

My hands were on Carl's collar before I knew it. I could feel the tears burning in the corner of my eye, my knuckles yearning to smack some sense into that thick skull of his.

Carl's palm wrapped around my wrist, tearing my fingers away from his shirt.

"I didn't have a fucking choice Reyna! We have women and children to protect! Hunting rabbits and rats alone won't help us here!"


"What are you saying?"

I felt something churn in my stomach. A sudden feeling of sickness rose up my throat.

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