Chapter 11

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Namjoon was working. Jin has asked him to get rid of a body. It was the new minister of public security. Jimin has killed him. He had been an obstacle in their control of the gouvernement. Technically, a henchman could have taken care of this but considering the fact that the body in question was that of a known public personality, Namjoon thought it best to take care of it himself, to make sure the job would be well done.

He was driving, with the corpse in body bag on the backseats of the car.
He arrived at a club known for it's high criminality. They specialized in making dead bodies disappear.

Two women who worked at the club, took the body out of the car and into the club while Namjoon followed them.
After a few minutes of walking they arrived at a room in the "backstage" of the club which had been entirely plastified. The two women brought the body inside to make it disappear while Namjoon waited for them outside.

A waitress walked up to him and gave him a glass of whiskey. He was a regular here so the staff always knew what he wanted whenever he came.
From outside the room, they could here a saw making shrill noises and the sound of bones cracking among other things.
This scared the waitress who walked away really fast, making Namjoon laugh as he continued to swallow his drink.

About two hours had passed, during which Namjoon had made a few calls, a couple of threats over here, a few threats over there, when the door to the plastified room finally opened. He looked into the room and there was nothing left, well at least nothing recognizable. The only thing that was given to him was a small plastic bag with the personal belongings of the minister.

Now that he knew the operation had been a success, he put the small plastic bag on the inside pocket of his coat, paid the women and got out of the club. He was walking back to his car when he heard a groan, or maybe it the sound of crying, Namjoon couldn't really tell but it sounded desperate.

He looked around trying to to find where the noise was coming from. Out of precaution, he pulled out a gun, ready to shoot. He approached the trash that had been left on the side of the street, where the sound seemed to be coming from.

When he found the source of the noise, he froze, which was rare. He was quite surprised by his discovery. He blinked several times and finally brought his weapon down.

"A kid..."

He walked to the end of the small street he was in, looked left and right to check if the person who had left the child there might still be close, but there was no one.
He walked back, took his coat off and wrapped up the child in it before picking him up. He seemed quite young maybe two or three years old.

With a young child in his arms, Namjoon's paternal instincts kicked in. Without hesitating, he starting rocking the kid back and forth in the small street that was lit by a single lightbulb at the back entrance of the club.
He seemed to be freezing but his cries had lessened into small whimpers.
Namjoon suddenly felt very nostalgic, this reminded him of the sleepless nights he spent trying to get Taehyung to stop crying.
He placed his hand on the child chest so that he could grab his finger and play with it.

The child eventually calmed down. He was warmed up against the chest of a man who seemed to know how to take care of small children.
Namjoon smiled at the kid, and like a protective father, he wiped the dirt and crease off of his face before playing with him.
Despite the cold, he didn't notice time flying by. After a little while, he heard the kid let out a small giggle and smiled.

"Well don't you look like a baby bun! A teeny tiny baby bu-"

Namjoon's phone vibrated in his pocket bringing him out of his bubble. He had a message from Jin. He looked at the time and saw that he had been in that alley for a few hours now, so he understood when he read Jin's message saying: " Where. Are. You. Kim. Namjoon?"
Instead of answering his message, he just called him.
The phone didn't ring once as Jin picked up immediately.

"My God, Namjoon! Where the hell-"

"Jin. I'll give you the short version. Everything went smoothly with the body but on my way back I found a kid. Most likely abandoned, probably the child of a homeless woman or a hooker, I don't know..." Namjoon interrupted.

Jin was quite baffled. What was Namjoon doing with a child? But he stopped for two minutes to think about the potential this child could have. If Namjoon and him raised the kid from beginning to end. They could make him great. The possibilities were endless.
They could make him into a weapon, greater than both Jimin and Taehyung, maybe greater than the both of them combined.
Jin has a dangerous smirk on his face. That kid could be the weapon that would secure him the control of East Asia.

"Boy or girl?" He asked.

"Boy." The other answered.

This just kept getting better and better for Jin. A true gift. Excitement grew inside of him.

"Bring him to me, please." Jin said before hanging up.

Namjoon put his phone away. Instead of getting in his car right away, he went back inside the club. He grabbed one of the henchmen and told him to get some food for the kid. He was quite hesitant at first, obviously thrown off by the unusual sight of his boss carrying a small child, but quickly agreed when Namjoon lost his patience and placed a gun under his chin.

While he was waiting for the employee to return, he sat in one of the VIP rooms where it was calmer. From there he could see all types of men and women grinding against one another. It was quite hot and the music was loud but Namjoon paid no attention to that. He was focused on the child he was holding. He had an idea of what Jin had planned for him but he could be wrong, he's not the most predictable person.

After a few minutes, the henchman finally came back. He had brought cookies for the child. Namjoon took the bag of cookies from his hands and went back to his car. He sat behind the driver's seat, with the child on his lap. Before starting the car, he gave a cookie to the little one, to make him comfortable during the trip and then drove off to the manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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