Chapter 9

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Namjoon and Yoongi we're heading to Jin's office. He had called them in to talk and something told them it wasn't good news. The younger brother seemed irritated with his elder.

"I told you, Yoongi." He said.

"I didn't do anything wrong. What, Jin frowns a bit and you start shitting yourself?" Yoongi defended himself.

"That's off topic, according to the contract we all signed, decisions have to be made together." Namjoon replied.

"You know damn well that Jin is the last person to ask us for our opinion before making a decision so shut.the.fuck.up."

The two men arrived in front of the office. Namjoon was about to knock but Yoongi went ahead and just slammed the door open. That only made things worse.

"Did your mother never teach you manners?" Jin asked as he stood up from his chair behind his desk.

Yoongi ignored the question and asked him to explain why they had been called in. Jin smiled a mischievous smile that didn't announce anything good.

"I called you in, to tell you that you are a good-for-nothing idiot who can't be bothered to finish what he started. Oh! And also to tell you that you're going to have to get rid of the mistake you brought back here." Jin said, his voice filled with arrogance.

"No. I don't care what you think of me or the kid. Let me remind that I am your equal in this alliance, not one of your henchmen. I will not take orders from you." Yoongi assured à he stepped a bit closer to Jin.

His arrogance had the gift of bringing out the worst in Jin (worst than usual). Who was Min Yoongi to defy the royalty that Jin was?

"I give you an order and you obey. No more, no less. I don't care about your principals. You came to me to form this alliance, not the other way around and believe me when I tell you it is in your best interest to listen to me." Jin said as he reached for his weapon in the inside pocket of his vest.

"Jin when are you going to understand that you don't scare me? I am Min Yoongi and I was already at the head of an international organisation even before our alliance." Yoongi shouted as he got angrier, reaching for his gun, hidden under his best in his lower back.

They brought out their weapons at the same time and pointed them at each other, ready to shoot. Their eyes were dark and full of hatred.
Namjoon who they had seemingly forgotten was in the room, stepped closer to Jin and his brother.

"I see no down side to killing you right this moment." Yoongi said bitterly.

"No worries, the feeling is mutual." Jin smirked.

Namjoon sighed and stepped in between the two enemies, facing Yoongi. The end of his gun touched his heart. One shot and he would die. The tension was palpable.

"Enough." Namjoon said, sounding strict.

Yoongi looked at his brother in surprise and anger. His eyes had widened in shock. This was the first time his brother had ever interfered with his actions in such a way. Yoongi thought he had finally lost his mind. Either that or he had blinding trust in him to think he wasn't going to get gunned down in an instant. He was right though, Yoongi would never shoot his brother, much less kill him.

He was furious but was forced to contain himself. He was shaken up by his brother's actions. Turning your back to a person with no remorse was suicidal.

Jin thought to himself that he should just kill the two of them at once. Two birds with one stone. He muffled a laugh.

Yoongi sighed, irritated, and brought down his gun.

"You should be careful Jin. You believe yourself to be untouchable but danger's always closer than you think it is." He said as a warning that next time his enemy might not be as lucky as he was today.

"Is that so? You see, you can threaten me all you want, but at the end of the day I'm not the one who lied to a kid about the death of his parents. Do yourself a favor and take your own advice, because next thing you know this whole situation is going to turn itself against you and won't be able to blame anyone but yourself." Jin replied dryly.

"Fuck you." The older man shot back, slamming the door as he left the room, leaving Jin and Namjoon alone.

The younger of the two brothers, turned around to face Jin who was still holding his gun up to Namjoon's chest.

"Are you gonna pull the trigger or not? Although I must say, Yoongi won't be too happy if you decide to do so." He said, quite unbothered by the situation he found himself in.

"Well why I do enjoy hurting him, I have other plans for your brother." Jin said as he brought his weapon down and stepped closer to Namjoon.

There was a silence. The beating of their hearts accelerated as curiosity flourished between the two.

"And may I ask what that is?" Namjoon asked.

Jin pretended to think for a second before speaking up.
"I want to see every wall in this room, splattered in your brother's brains and blood..." Jin admitted with a smirk as he sighed in satisfaction at the mere thought of seeing it happen.

"Watch your mouth, Jin. I'm not like Yoongi, I won't hesitate." The taller of the two replied a bit too calmly for someone who was facing his brother's potential murderer.

Jin flashed a big smile, a sens of excitement going through his body as he grew more and more intrigued with the man standing in front of him. He was so... fascinating. A part of Jin wanted to push Namjoon's limits, to see how long he could last before he snapped and killed him in his brother's defense, but he kept himself from doing anything.

Namjoon turned around and went to the door but was interrupted by Jin.

"Why did you choose to turn your back to me when you stood between us? That was quite a risk you took."

Namjoon let out a small laugh as if he was laughing at Jin and his question.

"See you later, Jin." He said leaving the other man confused without a proper answer.

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