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I'll go with you
I'll go with you, I'll go with you
I'll go with you, I'll go with you
I'll go with you, I'll go with you


Jungkook hadn't realized he was missing something until that first encounter with Yoongi, and now he felt full to the brim.

Yoongi had been so kind to him. So warm and open. And Jungkook couldn't wait to see him again. The older boy was so easy to be comfortable with, and Jungkook knew he would always be on his side.

It was so refreshing to feel loved again, even if Yoongi didn't really love him, but more felt concern for and respected him.

So Jungkook was very upset when he didn't encounter Yoongi for two months afterwards.

He had tried following Taehyung and Jimin, but they had become better at avoiding him and he almost constantly lost their trail. The times he did manage to follow them, they didn't go to Taehyung's house.

Jungkook was still in seventh grade and being bullied when all this was pressing down on him. He needed to see Yoongi again, needed to feel the older boy's reassuring presence. Just a moment of relief, please. Jungkook was ready to do anything.

One horrible day, on his way home from school, Jungkook didn't realize he was being followed. It was raining, not hard but not soft either, and it was wet enough to make the skies turn a sagging grey.

Jungkook knew the boys who followed him, that was one of the worst parts. One boy went by being called Bambam, for whatever reason, and he frequently teased Jungkook about being a loner or made comments to others about how weird he was. The other boy's name was Yugyeom, and Jungkook didn't know him that well because he was fairly quiet and shy.

So when a rock flung at Jungkook's head, hitting him hard, he let out a startled yelp. Turning around, Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw the two boys, laughing at him hysterically and pointing fingers. Immediately, his cheeks heated up in embarrassment, eyes buring with red unshed tears.

"Hey!" Bambam yelled, jolting Jungkook in fright. "Bucktooth boy!"

Jungkook hated that nickname. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. It was so hard, so very hard, but he forced his shaking feet into a pivot as he turned around and walked on in an attempt to ignore the bullies.

The summer air was buzzing with insects and heat, but the hot climate wasn't what made Jungkook sweat.

Another rock hitting him square in the head made him turn. There were the two boys, laughing at him again. Why couldn't they leave him alone?

"S-stop," Jungkook whined, hating how his voice cracked under the tears.

"Is the bucktoothed pig crying?" Bambam taunted, laughing evilly.

"No! Just stop!" Jungkook yelled, before turning away and walking fast.

A pelting of rocks hit him from behind, stinging terribly. He desparately tried to shield himself with his arms, cowering to the ground as the boys neared him, throwing as many rocks as they could.

Jungkook was hurt, he thought he might have been bleeding.

But the physical pain wasn't even close compared to the mental pain. He was hated. He was unwanted. No one loved him.

Except Yoongi, it would seem.

Because just as another tear rolled down his reddened cheeks, a hand shoved the boys away from him, letting in fresh sunlight and a new face into view.

Thank God it was Min Yoongi.

Jungkook couldn't tear his eyes from his angel as he watched Yoongi scold the younger boys, their eyes wide in fear. He hid behind Yoongi, finding safety and security in the older's shadow.

Yoongi sighed heavily once the boys had scurried off. "Hi, Jungkook. It's okay now," he smiled down at Jungkook, the latter feeling his heart beat a million miles per minute. Yoongi's smile was so rare, it felt so precious and beautiful.

It was a long time before Jungkook understood his feelings of Yoongi, but until then all he knew was he enjoyed the other's presence.

"Were you heading home?"

Jungkook nodded in response.

"Cool. I'll walk you home, if you don't mind. I'm just worried about anyone else hurting you."

It was like a switch had been flipped in Jungkook's brain. Whereas he'd been feeling worthless and unwanted all the time, he finally felt cared for.

If felt so good, so so so so good, that he decided to bask in the warm sunlight for a little while longer. Instead of shaking his head, he responded to Yoongi with what he hoped was a thankful nod. He really was thankful.

And he and Yoongi began the rest of the long trek home, side by side. The older boy was so close to Jungkook that even if a giant malicious bear were to attack them, they would be safe and sound he thought. Yoongi was so old. He was so cool and impressive and kind and tall and-

Jungkook's face was turning red. What was this? Why did he feel as if his brain was stuck in mud, hazy and sluggish and unaware of the details? Or maybe it was more like a wasp nest; a constant buzzing berated his eardrums.

Whatever it was, Jungkook supposed it didn't feel all that bad. The sunlight from before slowly creeped back up Jungkook's body, wrapping up his legs, slipping into his soul, and warming him from the inside out.

The heat spread all the way to his finger tips, it was in each and every bone in his body. But it was undoubtedly 1,000 times stronger in his chest.

It was warm there. So impossibly warm that he feared the pools of temperature would seep through the cracks or even explode.

"How old are you, Jungkook?" Yoongi broke the quiet suddenly, ripping Jungkook from his thoughts. They were nearly home, just a little farther.

The question left Jungkook floundering like a fish. He glanced up into Yoongi's feline eyes and quickly looked away, mouth opening and closing and his ears a bright shade of scarlet.

Yoongi waited patiently for him to talk. He smirked a bit down at Jungkook, and in his upturned lips Jungkook was able to draw enough courage to speak up.


"Twelve? So you're in seventh grade?" Yoongi asked, innocently attempting conversation.

Jungkook just nodded, his head down. The weight of everything, the pressure of Yoongi's questions crushed him until his blood pounded in his ears and he couldn't breathe. It was awful, this feeling of a huge boulder coming down on him.

Then Yoongi took Jungkook by surprise by stopping abruptly on the sidewalk.

"Jungkook," His tone was gentle, yet Jungkook felt like he was being attacked.

Yoongi's next words really made Jungkook stop and think. They were a turning point in his life. "You must learn to voice your thoughts. You should never be afraid to speak up, especially for yourself."

Jungkook stood there, eyes widening. The wind blew a little, swirling around the two boys. It lifted Yoongi's bangs beautifully away from his forehead, and Jungkook could see his eyes clearly. It was a staring contest between the two, and Jungkook finally wasn't backing down. Neither of them looked away as Jungkook uttered,


And his voice was strong, full of intent and determination. For once he didn't nod. He said a word, and placed his full emotions behind it.

He had Yoongi to thank.

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