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Stay with me, no, you don't need to run
Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run
Stay with me, no, you don't need to run
Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run


"Jungkook," Yoongi gestured for the younger to sit beside him, on the stool beside the teacher's desk. Jungkook complied, wary. There was something serious in the air, the way Yoongi was holding his hands tightly together as if debating. Finally, he demanded. "Tell me everything. From the day I left, how have you been?"

Gazing into the darkest eyes, Jungkook took in a big inhale. And started to talk.

He told Yoongi everything, with pure honesty. How he had missed him, how it was so hard, how his grandmother passed.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Yoongi interjected before Jungkook could continue. The younger brushed it off, having healed with time, and continued speaking.

Though he had many hardships to share, Jungkook did not dare confess the suicidal tendencies he used to have to Yoongi. Nor the way he thought at night, when it was dark and quiet to the point where his own thoughts trapped him, egging him on to just end it already. He could never let the older know of something like that, of how weak Jungkook really was.

It was especially a struggle to explain the way he grappled with his sexuality in highschool.

"Highschool is shit," Jungkook grimaced. "The worst part for me though, worse than mostly everything else, was, uhm..."

Looking up was a big mistake. Yoongi was staring with enough intensity to make Jungkook choke, eyes darker than onyx as always.

"Was what?" Yoongi asked softly when Jungkook didn't continue. The taller sputtered, suddenly flustered.

"Well, I-I'm," Jungkook stuttered. "I-I uhm, I r-really,- I mean...uhm... I a-a-actually-"

Why couldn't he just say it? He could feel the embarrassment burning his face, knew he was blushing profusely. Tears began gathering in his eyes. Fuck. Why was it so hard? It shouldn't be this hard.

"Men are hot."

Instantly, Jungkook clasped a hand over his mouth, mortified at the explanation that had just slipped out. Because Jungkook had no one else close to him, Jimin was the first and only person to know he was gay. Yoongi was now the second.

He couldn't look at Yoongi. In that moment, Jungkook wanted nothing more than to disappear into the dirty white tiled flooring glaring up at him. Oh God.

To his surprise, when the younger looked up, Yoongi was smiling slightly with a brow raised, amused.

"You mean you're gay?"

Jungkook's heart stuttered. "I-I mean," he took in a heavy breath. "Yes. I'm gay."

"Oh, Jungkook," Yoongi snorted, voice laced with mirth. "It's completely fine. Jesus."

Jungkook exhaled a huge breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. He felt his tensed shoulders practically melt down with the relief Yoongi's words gave him.

"I would never have anything against you for that," Yoongi, again, raised a brow. "I'm bi myself, you know."



Jungkook most certainly did not know. By this point, he was sure his cheeks were permanently stained red. What the hell was wrong with him? So Yoongi says he's bi, why the fuck was he making such a big deal out of it? Goddammit, why couldn't he just act normal for once?

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