Chapter 6

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I stretched out my arms as the light from the sun shined through the windows of the cabin.

I yawned comfortably in my bed. I closed my eyes and smiled reminiscing about last night.

I'm not going to lie to you honey it was fun I really enjoyed myself.

I'm starting to like Stefanzo he's such a good friend he's funny too.

I can't believe I'm even letting him get the chance with me right now but I do want to let myself go.

"Goodmorning Cece now get up were going to the spa."

Renae came in my room brushing her teeth in a white robe.

"The spa? Really Nae?"

"Yes the spa they have a steam room, jacuzzi, and sauna ."

I looked over at the clocked.

"Renae it's only 8 am."


"So who goes to the spa in the morning. "

"Celia and Renae now get up please there's another activity going on today."

"What's that ?"

"Sledding." She said walking to the bathroom

"Oh no you won't catch me doing that." I laughed as I rose up.

"You are you have to try it at least once." She yelled from the bathroom.

We walked outside across the way to the building.

I had on my flip flops and robe with my hair up in a little bun.

I looked around and saw the jacuzzi.

"Oh yea this what I'm talking about.

I had on a one piece under my robe and since nobody was here but my best friend I was comfortable .

"See I told you,you'd like it." She said grabbing towels for us.

I stepped into the jacuzzi a step at a time as the hot water bubbled up around my body.

"Ahh ." I sat down on the seat and closed my eyes relaxing myself.

I felt someone touching my thigh and immediately opened my eyes.

"Hey how you doing sugar?" Renae said putting on a deep voice.

"Nae stop you know that makes me uncomfortable. " I laughed.

"this feels so good and since we're early nobody has been in it yet which makes me happy. " Renae said sinking neck deep inside.

"You know I really love my kids." I said to Renae

"Oh I know you do thats why you put them before anything else huh.? She said pulling out a flask taking a sip.

"What the hell? Renae really?"

"What? I needed it girl, I needed something to give me a jump."

"No one told you stay out all night with that girl . I'm starting to feel like you're going to replace me with her." I said looking away.

"It's not even like that I promise you are my only true best friend." She said.

"Then what is it about?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well.." she started to explain and then the door swung open.

In came Stefanzo and his cousin Erica.

"Hey what a coincidence." Renae said getting out.

I went into fear mode and sunk deeper into the water so he couldnt see my body.

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