{One More Shot}

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Sora began his long journey back to battle Vlad once more and put an end to the Three Kings' tyranny. In his travel, he went from the many snow-filled lands to the dirtiest cities on Earth, asking and asking for where his adversary could ever be. What he seemed to have just remembered after ten days of searching was that Vlad was where he would always be...at the Three Kings' castle.

He had no mode of transportation due to ditching his motorcycle, and the castle was very well located on the other side of the Earth. His only option was to hitch a ride or make a run for it. Sora was never one for being a beggar for help, so he ran instead. After one day of running, he finally arrived at the castle.

"Looks like I'm here..."

A guard from the top of the castle wall noticed Sora scratching his head about how to bring down the door.

"Hey! Who are you!?"

"My name's Kage Sora! I'm here to beat down your captain! Vlad Kassius!"

"Aren't you the brat that got squashed by Vlad weeks ago? You're nothing compared to him! And you're probably nothing compared to us!"

Sora crouched into his battle stance and drew out his sword.

"Why don't you come over here and challenge me then?"

[. . .]

Vlad came before the Three Kings, knelt down to one knee. The Kings were profoundly bewildered by Vlad's sudden appearance. He almost never visited them unless it was an important matter in which he needed their approval.

"Why do you come to us, Vlad?"

"I beseech you, King Gierfreed, on this day to discuss something urgent."

"And what is it?"

"I would like to request an early retirement and marry your daughter Elizabeth."

"Retire? There's so much more that needs to be done. What made you want to even consider retirement already?"

"I'm tired of shedding blood, my King... sweeping through nations of dead bodies with the thought of children suffering always racing through my mind. I want to settle down and start my own family. I don't wish to fight against your empire, in fact, I don't necessarily mind being the one in need of food and water. But... I do wish to start my own family, and the only one I wish to do it with is your daughter, my King."

The Three Kings all gave each other the look of contemplation. They were all undecided in which course of action to take, not because Vlad was their best soldier, but because he was their only competent one as well.

"I deny your request."

Vlad's eyes narrowed into the floor. He knew speaking out of line could mean death for him, so he held his tongue and instead, got up and bowed down to them.

"Understood, my King."

They'd feel the rumble from the outside reach into the throne room.

"What was that?" King Gierfreed questioned.

Sounds of doors breaking kept getting closer and closer. The men in the room were unsure of who could be causing such a stir to the castle. Vlad, on the other hand, had a feeling of who this could be, and when the door blew open, his suspicions were right.

"Hey, Vlad! I'm back for round three!"

"Don't you know when to quit?"

"Nope, and that's why I'm gonna battle you one more time!"

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