Heartbeat Cipher (Pidge x Reader)

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Okay so I know I said I was going to do Lance's next buuuuut I can't think of a decent way to write his oneshot so I may change his soulmate au.
Pidge's soulmate au came easier and I had more ideas for it so I decided the write this to get it off my mind.
Pidge's au is that your pulse is morse code for you soulmates name.

Warning ⚠️: swear words


_ . _     ._       _       . .     .
   K         A       T       I      E
. . . .    _ _ _    . _ . .   _
   H        O        L         T

You always loved the idea of soulmates, like two parts of a mechanism made to fit together and be one. However finding your soulmate was not a priority because of Zarkon. The known ruler of the universe who sniffed out any small bit of hope that was left in the galaxies. You were a rebel fighter pilot, previously an engineer but because of the gradual decreasing of rebel fighter you were bumped up to fighter class pilot.

Not ideal, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

You had heard rumours of a legendary defender of the universe rising up and smashing the shit out of Zarkon's fleet. Finally you weren't alone in this fight for the freedom of the universe. Apparently the rebel forces would meet with the Paladins of Voltron to discuss how we can strengthen our forces and weaken Zarkon's. Being a prodigy engineer you were part of the small team meeting with Voltron.

No lie you were ecstatic, you had dreamed of being an amazing pilot and a key person in the rebellion but realistically you were only a engineer, and a part time pilot. You weren't on the front lines. Disappointing but that's who you were.

Your name was (guys I'm going to make up a name because I need it for later you can just change it Mkay) Gryphon. Not your real name but your real name kept you tied to your past. And that was the last thing you wanted to be attached to.

Gryphons symbolise leadership, courage and strength, everything you want to be.

The Voltron team arrived a few days later, 5 Paladins and two alteans. There was Shiro, an obvious leader and dad member of the team. Keith, more introverted and quiet, temperamental too. He almost took your head off when you asked about the tech behind his knife changing into a BoM sword. Lance, a flirty playboy, kinda immature but fun all the same. Hunk was sweet, kind and seemed to be the glue holding the team together when times got tough. The ginger man, Coran, he was kooky and probably slightly off his rocker but an interesting guy none the less. Allura, you weren't particularly sure of her, you remember your friend Matt speaking highly of her though. She was a lovely person but her niceness and generally princess-y-ness was intoxicating.

Then you had the green paladin, Pidge, honestly Pidge was probably your favourite out of the bunch. She asked questions you haven't even imagined possible, she was always alert. She was curious and inquisitive, asking you so much about the new tech you had come up with.

The Voltron Paladins stayed for a week, during that time there was multiple meetings about boring stuff. You weren't that interested and neither was Pidge, she caught you one day fixing your ship instead of attending a meeting and has joined you in making tech upgrades instead of listening to irrelevant lectures. Of course you knew when the important meetings were and made sure to attend them. You and Pidge spent a lot of time together.

Your POV
One day whilst testing the new cloaking device Pidge has installed I decided it was about time for a movie marathon. Ive got secret supplies in the back of your ship, blankets, pillows, snacks, and my tablet. So once I finished packing up my tools and running the final tests on the new cloaking system, I constructed a mini fort and snuggled into the comfort of the blankets and pillows. There was a new movie out, How to Train your Teleporting Wolf.

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