02. Respect

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It's been a week since Shawn had last seen Leila and he was excited about finally being able to attend practice today.

With one hand over his chest and a deep breath he had to take, Shawn walked inside and a smile immediately found it's way to his face. The person he was looking for was stationed by the field, her hands busied with another players leg as Shawn approached them slowly.

She finished just as he was about open his mouth and throw in a pick up line, but her standing up and turning to him had stopped his lips from moving. She cocked her head to the side, her left eye narrowing slightly as she waited for him to speak.

„You okay there, Mendes?" She teased and he cleared his throat, mentally kicking himself about his starstruck behaviour. He pulled out his left hand from behind his back, shoving a rather large bouquet of sunflowers in her face. This time it was her who lost the ability to speak and nothing came out from her parted lips.

Shawn smirked, happy about her reaction, until she looked up and he gulped loudly.

„How did you know sunflower is my favourite flower?" She questioned and he felt the heat rushing to his cheeks.

„Intuition." Shawn smiled, hoping his blush wasn't too evident.

„Wanna try that again?" She raised an eyebrow, her gaze lingering on his face. Shawn stared back, his resolution wavering under her watchful eye.

„I may or may not have stalked you on Instagram." Shawn admits, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

„I like your dog!" He blurted out, his voice going a few notches higher. She sways back and forth, a hint of a smile on her lips proving she was fighting the gesture with all her might.

„It's my sister's and you're allergic to dogs!" She exclaims and Shawn furrows his eyebrows at her statement.

„How would you know that? Who's the stalker now?" A smug smile makes an appearance on his face, one she wiped away promptly.

„I'm a part of the medical staff! From your records, of course." Her expression was dead serious as Shawn shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another. He was clearly embarrassed, unsure of what to say next, until a string of sounds alike giggles left her lips and her hand covered her mouth to stifle the melody Shawn found himself loving more than his favourite song.

„This is not how I saw this going." Shawn mumbles, smiling at her. She placed her hands on her hips, her eyes flickering from the flowers in his hands to his blushing face, going back and forth from her desires to logic her mind imposed.

„This is really sweet, but I cannot accept these." She smiled sadly, crouching down to pick up what she used previously into the bag she always hauled around.

Shawn's forehead wrinkled, confused by her actions.

„Why not? I thought you like them." Shawn realized he just whined like a baby and she chuckled at the sound.

„Because it comes from dishonest intentions." She replied and he frowned deeper.

„Dishonest how?" He inquired and she sighed.

„It's meant to convince me to go out with you...Shawn I'm a woman working, surrounded by men who see me as an award to win. They make wagers and set goals that concern their involvement with me and I'm not going to falter and relinquish my sense of pride and honour for someone like that." Leila stands up, shaking off a few strands of grass from her jeans, hooking a finger on the inside of her pocket.

Shawn takes in a few short breaths, feeling rage bubbling inside of him. He was angry and ready to blow any second now, thinking if someone on the team had done something to make her feel uncomfortable.

Take a chance (S.M. soccer player AU)Where stories live. Discover now