05. The first win

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Shawn had difficulty accepting his new role in Leila's life. She treated him equally to all others, like he never opened his heart to her. It was like he was just another player in the game and nothing else. He tried to talk to her a few times, but they were interrupted every time. They made it to Russia, preparing for the next match when Shawn finally got a response from the elusive girl he yearned for.

„Good luck out there." She spoke, standing next to him, her eyes focused on the field outside the tunnels.

„If I score a goal...will you finally tell me why you cut me out of your life?" Shawn asks bravely, realizing there was nothing left to lose at this point.

She turns to him with pursed lips, her right hand on her hip as she calculated the possibility of him actually scoring.

„No need for that. I can tell you right now if you want." A smirk appeared on her red lips, making Shawn turn his head slowly, eyes widened in surprise.

„Tell me." He pressed his lips together in order to stop looking like a fish gasping for air and she raised an eyebrow, a smile that never reaches her eyes showing she was still angry with him. For once, she showed him emotions and Shawn was happy to see her acknowledge anything that happened between them.

„You really think I didn't see those photos of you and that model? It was everywhere Shawn. You and her...the whole thing. I saw it." She explained and Shawn chocked on his saliva, remembering the PR stunt his manager agreed on in his name.

„I can explain!" Shawn exclaimed and she looks at him again, turning into a different person. She manages to fake a smile that buries her pain deep inside her heart, but her eyes remain cold, like nothing in this world could melt them.

„It was a PR stunt, I swear!" Shawn continues, watching her turn away with uncertainty.

„I was going to tell you about it, but you ghosted me completely." Shawn complained, but a small smile showed on his lips.

„And I'm supposed to buy into that excuse?" She huffed and he chuckled.

„I have a contract to show you. I'll have it faxed over if that's what you need. Did you seriously ignore me for the better part of the year just because you were jealous?" Shawn teased, nudging her lightly on the shoulder and she rolled her eyes playfully.

„I was not jealous. I just...felt like you played me. I don't like feeling like a fool. Get me that contract and I'll...melt some of the ice I've been freezing you with." She replied, walking out to take her designed spot on the sidelines while Shawn watched her leave. He sure loved when she was next to him, but watching her walk away wasn't a bad view either.

That night, he ran like a possessed man, hell bent on scoring and passing the group they were in. Every time someone on his team ended up on the ground and Leila made her way to their side to help, Shawn approached to simply feel her near him.

She smiled back at him, letting a few rays of sunshine warm his insides and in that moment his lungs heaved and he knew there was no cure for his heart. He knew he'll never look at another, want another.

England won over Tunisia and for that victory Shawn earned a hug from the coveted EMT, finally giving him something to hope for again.

The team wanted to celebrate, filling the hotel bar where they were staying in.

Leila soon disappeared and with a drink in his hand, Shawn decided to look for her. He didn't have to go far as he was standing on the balcony, watching the night sky above them. It was hard to spot any stars from the city lights, but if he looked hard enough he saw them twinkling, reminding him of her eyes.

„Are you cold?" Shawn asks and she chuckles without turning around.

„It's July, not December. I'm good." She replies and Shawn leans on the railing by her side. He takes a sip of whiskey in his hand, realizing he was already lightly buzzed and he needed to mind his words around her.

„I dream of you." Shawn's mouth opens and the words leave his lips faster than his brain could register what he just said. Leila turns to the intoxicated man beside her with raised eyebrows, cocking her head to the side.

„Explain." Shawn's brain just caught up and he mentally kicked himself over being so unfiltered.

„I dream of...uh...us. Together." Shawn tried to explain, but words didn't come so easy to him.

„If it's a sex dream, I take back my question." She raised her hands in mock surrender with a wide smile on her lips and for a moment Shawn forgot what they were talking about. He loved her smile more than his life and if he were to die the very next day, he'd be happy to die with the memory of her lips in mind.

„No, no. More like...future...I've been dreaming about a forever. With you." Shawn spoke, slurring some of the words together but she understood him perfectly.

Her heart jumped at the notion, wondering if he truly meant it or if it was only alcohol talking.

„What do you see?" She neared him, her hand finding its way to his chest, her fingers grasping to the bottom of his white shirt.

„I see us getting married. Having kids...you singing in the dead of night, keeping nightmares away from my tired mind. I leave soccer and start a music career after we win the cup...Your hand in mine, fingers intertwined." Shawn leaned closer to her, his lips brushing against her cheek.

Leila wanted to melt into his touch, ignoring the foul smell of alcohol in his breath by focusing on his entrancing cologne.

„It sounds kinda nice." She looks up, her lips only inches away from hers and there were no words needed. Their eyes connected, rebuilding a bridge between their souls that had collapsed months ago. His honey coloured eyes bore into hers and she was taken with him, letting her lips part before closing in on his.

„There you are!" Kane jumped in and the two lovers pulled away as fast as they could.

They averted their eyes elsewhere while Kane just cleared his throat nervously, aware he interrupted an important, intimate moment.

„Sorry. Just wanted to say we were about to open the champagne." He left as soon as he informed them and they were left alone, blushing and watching the other shuffle from one side to the other before deciding to leave.

Almost walking through the door together, Shawn pulled back, letting her walk out first like a gentlemen, receiving a sweet thank you and a smile in return.

Shawn was sad the moment he worked hard for had been ruined, but somehow, deep inside his heart, he knew it wouldn't be his last chance.

Take a chance (S.M. soccer player AU)Where stories live. Discover now