Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18:

Autumn's POV.

"You can't do this." I told Winter as she circled around me.

She chained my feet to the ground and my arms to the high ceiling of her warehouse place.

Or her 'evil lair' as she liked to call it.

"And why can't I?" she stopped in front of me, arms crossed.

What am I doing? Of course she can do this.

She hummed in laughter, "I thought so."

"What do you even want with me?" I asked her.

She smirked before speaking, "Because you, my dear, are the 'missing one' and you have to return to your rightful place."

"What does that mean?" I muttered, absolutely confused.

"This is your home because you're my daughter." She answered.

I looked up at her with wide eyes.


No no no no no.

"Let me explain myself," she continued, "I used to be a good person, happy life, fell in love, got married, and got pregnant with you of course.

Your father was a fire type, but we still loved each other.

When I had you, you were a fire type and I didn't like that very much. So I divorced your father and he had full custody of you, and before you left, I put a spell on you so your true powers wouldn't develop.

Apparently he couldn't take care of a child so he put you up for adoption.

After you were adopted, I figured out a spell to turn you into an ice type so I waited until you were old enough and here we are now.

Make sense?"

I opened and closed my mouth, wanting to day something but not finding the right words.

This crazy lady in front of me is my mother.

All she's ever wanted was for me to be like her.

"A-and what happened to my father?" I asked in a small voice.

I saw anger flash in her eyes, "I killed him along with all of his relatives."


I started to feel tears spill down my cheeks, quiet sobs escaping my mouth.

My father is dead.

She killed him.

Before I could protest to any of the things she told me, she went on further explaining what she was going to do with me.

"Now I'm going to make you a different Autumn. An Autumn that has a soul as cold as ice and a heart frozen over. You will respond to all of my commands and you will have no memory whatsoever of anything besides me. You shall now be called Zara, queen of black ice." She told me, stepping further away from me.

I started sobbing hysterically.

"Please! Don't do this! I'll do anything!" I protested in between sobs.

"Too late." She said before blasting a ray of black magic towards me.

I felt it enter my body, my heart freezing over, my soul becoming cold, my mind becoming dark with evil.

"How do you feel, Zara?" Mum smiled as she unchained me.

"I feel ready to destroy." I told her.

Zayn's POV.

I buried my head in my hands.

What have I done?

I let her take Autumn.

My dear, beloved Autumn.

"Mate, it's gonna be alright. We'll find her." Niall said, patting my back.

The boys and I are in the basement control room trying to track her down.

"Any luck yet?" Louis asked Liam who was in front of a big screen, tapping here and there.

"I think I've got it." He muttered. "Aha! I've found her!"

I instantly shot up from my sitting position and stood next to Liam, examining the screen in front of me.

"She's in Bradford apparently." He told me.

I nodded as I looked at the map on the screen. Autumn was a big red dot and she was in Bradford.

"Lets go help her now!" I exclaimed and started towards the stairs.

"Whoa Zayn! We still need a plan that will actually work." Harry stopped in front of me using his super speed.

Oh yeah.

We walked back to our seats in a circle and sat down.

"I think I have a plan," Niall started off. "And it's so crazy, it might just work."


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