Asked Him

94 17 5

Third Person's POV

"Daniel.. What are we?"

The clouds are dark , the wind blows really hard and its like the sound of the air is whispering through her ears making her grasp for a moment.

She is really deciding right now. She wanted to know the truth from him . what are they? Did all the fondness that Daniel is showing is somewhat true.

Daniel was stiffed from her question. He really don't know what to say. Its like all the memories are going back from where it begins.

"W-What are you talking a-about?"

"I'm asking you again.. Please answer me honestly." She released a deep sighed before continuing. " What. Are. We?"

"I-I don't know.."

She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream in pain. But if she do that, Daniel will just going to pity her and that's the thing that she hated. Being pity by someone.

Dahyun didn't want to assume anything and asking the truth from him is the best way. Lately, Daniel is being cold and away from her , the reason why she tried to follow him and also the reason why she's breaking apart.

After she saw everything. She tried to stay away from him for days and even weeks actually. But she wants answer .even if it means sacrificing herself from being breakdown.

Dahyun tries her best to see Daniel. And now they are here at the seashore reminiscing all the memories that they had yet it would be also the time that they'll reminisce all the heartbreaking scenes.

"I-Im s-sorry Dahyun. Please don't leave me. I'm begging you.." His voice started to crack.

"W-Why are you begging for my existence? I-I thought you'll going to beg me to leave you alone." Dahyun stated not wanting to cry.

"No, please baby, I-I.." She wanted to hear those words that's she's been longing for but it looks like that Daniel's stopping his self.

"I-I n-need you Dahyun.." That's it. She's done.

"Daniel, you just need me, you don't love me. I love you that's why I need you.." Tears starts to roam onto her eyes as the rain started to pour heavily.

"Dahyun, I didn't mean to hurt you. That's the truth. I wanted to say all of this shit when the right time comes."

"You're always saying that! Right time, right time, What's the difference between now and that bullshit right time huh?"

They are both soaking wet while talking to each other.

"D-Dahyun, please. Just listen to me everything will be alri--"

"JUST PLEASE STOP OKAY? Stop saying that everything is going to be alright when its not! I-Im too tired Daniel.. I'm b-broken.." Dahyun finally said and it feels like her knees are being too weak and she can't even stand up well. So she ended up lying on the sand while both of her hands are supporting her body.

Why is she experiencing all of this?

What did she do to make her suffer eternally?

Why does her love life just ended like this and its really terrible for a first.

'Why does it has to be my sister?' She asked herself while crying really hard.

"Daniel what did I do wrong to suffer like this? Why do you keep those secrets to me? Don't you trust me? Or because I'm just nothing to you."

"No, its not like that--"

"All of the people here. Why are you in love with my sister?" She tries to look up to see Daniel soaking wet while eyes are shut.

"Your sister is out of this Dahyun. Don't bring her here." Daniel said still eye's close while her hands are tightly folded.

"What are you talking about? She's out of our topic? Bullshit! She's the reason why all of this shits are happening!" She's completely stand up and now facing Daniel with her cold eyes.

"Please calm down Dahyun, I'm the only reason why all of this are happening. Don't blame Sooyoung."

"NO! SHE'S THE REAL REASON WHY WE ARE SUFFERING. THAT BITCH! SLUT! I WISH SHE WASN'T MY SISTER, I HOPE THAT I DIDN'T HAVE ANY CONTACT WITH HER. I DISGRACE HER! I WANTED HER TO DIE!" But everything went stiffed when a heavy hand landed on her face making her lay helplessly on the ground.

Daniel was just mad, really mad that's why he had done that to Dahyun but its just too late to realize what he did to her.

"Fuck! Dahyun I-I didn't mean to hurt you.. Bullshit. I'm sorry." He said then immediately run to Dahyun and tries to held her hand but Dahyun move it away.

"Please Dahyun. I'm so sorry, I was just, I was just really mad at you to the point that you really wished your sister's death. You're being too much. You're being too immature Dahyun." But Dahyun remained silent.

She wanted to rant everything, she wanted to scream at Daniel, but it look and feels like her lips are partly glue with each other.

She keeps on sobbing lightly that made Daniel felt guilty on what he did.

She finally stood up and pick her things and slowly turned around to walk away. But before she knew that, a cold hands wrapped around her waist and tightly hug her from behind.

"Please if you're going to leave me, don't..please baby."

She didn't reacted nor have said anything.

"Baby say anything, I know you're in pain so do I, punch me, say bad words to me , hurt me, but don't give me this cold treatment Dahyun...its killing me.."

He buried his face onto Dahyun's neck and tighten his hug when he felt that Dahyun wanted to let go, but he won't allow her.

"Baby please...Say a word to me. That's all. I wanted to hear your voice. I-I love you.." He beg and a tear slips to his eye but Dahyun didn't see it because she was facing the opposite from him.

" Let me go." She finally spoke and forcedly let go of Daniel's arm.

"No, please. I don't want to. You're not going anywhere."


"No, no.. I finally said that I Love you Dahyun. What do you want now?"

"See? You're just saying that because you want me to stay and be your puppet for your acts. I'm done being played Daniel. I wanted to live peacefully. Away from you."

"Thank you for being part of my dramatic life Daniel, I really enjoy it. I'm happy for you and my sister. If you two are getting married please invite me okay?" She forcefully smiled and began to walk away.

Daniel didn't follow her and when Dahyun is now few miles away. He began to cry softly.

"I mean it Dahyun..I love you, but you're just too stubborn to hear me out." He chuckled at his own words.

"I promise that when the right time comes. I'm going to tell all of the truth and I promise that you'll never gonna get away from me ever again. You're mine Dahyun, you're mine."



Daniel: I'm hurt!!!


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