Sea Shore

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Third person's POV

Sea Shore

Dahyun didn't know that Daniel is waiting for her to open up as for him waiting outside Dahyun's apartment.

Not too long, he's waiting there for just almost 15 minutes. He tried knocking several times but still Dahyun won't show up.

"She must be very tired. I leaved her last night without saying goodbye." Daniel somewhat let a low sigh.

He then tried to knock again and gladly Dahyun finally open the door wearing a face that's full of curiosity.

'What the hell is this moron doing here?'

"What are you doing here? And how do you even now my address? Are you a stalker?" Dahyun asked continuously.

Daniel refused undeniably. "I have my own ways." He smiled playfully but Dahyun frowned.

"You left me there! I thought you're going to comeback. " Dahyun bursted out because of annoyance.

"Well, I'm sorry for that there's just a never expected thing that suddenly happen and it is very important." Daniel explained with a matter of fact.

"Than me?"

"What than you?"

"Way more important than me?"

Daniel was stood there for a couple of second because of Dahyun's sudden confessions but then go back to his senses afterwards.

"Ahh.." Daniel can't reply and just stood there while rubbing the back of his neck. He can't even look straight at Dahyun's eyes.

Dahyun's kinda irritated by Daniel's action but she didn't bother that much because maybe he has something valid reason for leaving her without even saying.

I get it, its more important than me. Its okay. I understand.

"Its okay Daniel, you don't have to answer me and my question." Dahyun said while smiling genuinely. "Let's just eat, I'm hungry." Then she let a small pout.

She's so cute. I want to keep her in my shoe-- stop it Daniel!

"OH, okay let's eat. There's a nearby resto--" Daniel didn't finish his sentence when Dahyun shouted something.

"Wait I'm just going change my clothes. I look like a rug." She said.

"Nah, its okay let's go." Then Daniel grab her wrist and go.

"Carnival! Yippy!" Dahyun shouted joyfully while putting both of her hands in the air and wiggle it like a child.

Daniel just let a small chuckle at Dahyun's cuteness.

"But it will open only at 5:00 pm and basically its just 5:00 am in the morning so you're going too starve to death." Daniel said that made Dahyun pout.

"Then I'm just going to eat you Kang. Daniel." Dahyun smirk while Daniel's mind is still processing what she just said.


"Just Kidding."



'God I thought Dahyun is drastically-- oh what I don't care, she's something more and its cool.' Daniel thought to his self while looking at Dahyun.

They finally finished eating and had thought of walking for a just a minute beside the sea just a flew blocks away from the resto they had went.

They are quietly walking, Dahyun was taking ahead while Daniel just basically behind her following her shadows.

Dahyun stopped as Daniel bumped on her back lightly.

"Hey dummy go here beside me not just walking there behind . I feel like you're a stalker and its creeping me out."

Daniel immediately run beside Dahyun and hold her hand without saying any permission and besides Dahyun didn't even argue about it means she also wanted it.

He saw her blushed hard as her cheeks turns into a rosy pink color.

They ended sitting on a two seated rock nearby the shore which has a perfect view to look on.

"Look Daniel, the sky is blue as well as the sea why do you think so." Dahyun hummed as she stamp her feet on the sand .

"I don't know either. I just know that the sky is as blue as yours but more shining." Daniel said then look straight at Dahyun's eyes but she avoided it because of total embarrassment.

"Staph it." She said and Daniel just laughed at her.

A moment of silence..

"I'm bored. Let's play some games." Dahyun said breaking the silence.

"Ahh what game?" Daniel said while putting both of his hands behind his head while lying on a tree beside them feeling the wind and the atmosphere.

"Since we don't know each other very well so I'd like to play....hmm rock, paper, scissors!" She squealed loudly.

"Okay, so how about that? How are we going to know each other by just playing rock, paper, scissors?" Daniel said while his eyes are closed.

"That's because I'm not done yet!" She said while pouting earning Daniel to smile still with his eyes shut.

"We're going to play it then when I won I'm going to think of a question about you of course you're going to answer it. But...but if you refuse the question you're going to take the dare. Okay?" Dahyun said but Daniel didn't response.

"Hey!" But still he doesn't wake up but she know very well that Daniel isn't sleeping because he's smiling.

She decided to peek and move her face towards Daniel's to see if he really is asleep but things turn out to be something else.

'What the F is wrong with this guy?' She murmur to her self as she continue moving closer to him.

When Dahyun was a bit to touch Daniel's nose , he suddenly open his eyes and grab Dahyun by her head before she reacted and pull it to a deep kiss.

Dahyun can't move with her eyes wide open and just let Daniel kiss her then until he broke it and said..

"Sounds fair, Deal."


Sorry for being inactive for a month. I just thought I need some time to think of a possible plot of this story and I just came up with a good one. I hope you'll still read this until the end.


Vote, comment and share! Thanks!

Kang Dahyun😂❤

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